Translation for "sorprendente fue" to english
Sorprendente fue
Translation examples
amazing was
A la noche, acudí al campamento de base de la Cruz Roja Internacional y la situación allí era simplemente sorprendente.
In the evening, I went to the International Red Cross base camp, and the scene was just amazing.
Es sorprendente que, cuando ciertos actos que se definen como actos de terrorismo los lleva a cabo la parte contraria, se describen como una acción de represalias por algo que ha ocurrido.
It is amazing that, when certain actions that are described as terrorist acts are carried out by other parties, they are described as retaliation for something.
Por lo tanto, es sorprendente que en el caso de los periodistas el Parlamento actuara como demandante, fiscal y juez.
It was therefore amazing that in the case of the journalists parliament should be complainant, prosecutor and judge.
El Sr. MAVROMMATIS dice que España ha logrado progresos sorprendentes tras la instauración del régimen democrático.
Mr. MAVROMMATIS said that Spain had made amazing progress since a democratic regime had been in power.
Sin embargo, debido a las aseveraciones formuladas por los Estados Unidos -- el mayor transgresor de derechos humanos del mundo -- , esas referencias resultaron sorprendentes y ridículas.
However, because they were made by the United States -- the world's worst violator of human rights -- those references were amazing and ridiculous.
... la sorprendente capacidad de las mujeres de las comunidades tribales para asumir su entorno inmediato e incluso el mundo más amplio del comercio, el empleo y la justicia para las mujeres. amazing capacity in women from the tribal communities to take on their immediate and even the larger world of business, employment and justice for women.
Por una parte, hemos asistido a un sorprendente avance científico, tecnológico y material, a la difusión de los derechos humanos y la democracia y al desarrollo de instituciones internacionales universales.
On the one hand, we have witnessed of amazing scientific, technological and material progress, the spread of human rights and democracy and the development of universal international institutions.
Sin embargo, es realmente sorprendente que la deserción sea más frecuente entre niños que niñas, e incluso mucho más frecuente en la enseñanza secundaria.
It is amazing though to see that withdrawal is more exercised by boys than by girls, and even much higher at secondary level.
En ese sentido, Israel se beneficia de la facilidad sorprendente y deplorable con que una superpotencia utiliza su veto para protegerlo.
In that regard, Israel benefits from the amazing and deplorable ease with which a super-Power uses the veto to protect it.
Esto… esto es sorprendente.
This…this is amazing.
—Absoluta verosimilitud —dijo—. Sorprendente. —¿Qué es sorprendente?
"Absolute verisimilitude," he said. "Amazing." "What's amazing?"
Eso sí que era sorprendente.
This was absolutely amazing.
Esto no es sorprendente.
This is not surprising.
Ese informe del FMI no es nada sorprendente.
That report of the IMF is hardly surprising.
Por otra parte, lo contrario sería sorprendente.
It would be surprising if they did.
Esa conducta insensata no es sorprendente.
This reckless conduct is not surprising.
Para mí, eso no es sorprendente.
For me, that is not surprising.
Evidentemente, esas conclusiones no son sorprendentes.
Indeed, those conclusions were no surprise.
Por desgracia, esas actitudes de Israel no son sorprendentes.
Regrettably, such Israeli positions are not surprising.
Lo contrario sería sorprendente.
It would be surprising if that were not the case.
Mi delegación considera que este hecho es sorprendente.
My delegation finds this surprising.
Sorprendente, para serte sincera. —¿Sorprendente?
Surprising, if I’m honest.’ ‘Surprising?’
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