Translation for "sorna" to english
Translation examples
Ya lo tenías —respondió con sorna el etogaur. —¿Eso es un sarcasmo?
replied the etogaur. “You had him.” “Is that sarcasm?”
Percibió la sorna, si es que llegaba a ser tanto;
He noticed the sarcasm, if it went that far;
—O económica —dijo con una sorna cabreada Valentín Pedro Carrera.
“Or an economic one,” Valentín Pedro Carrera said with irritated sarcasm.
Sin embargo, en toda la velada se permitió Rose un solo destello de sorna.
Yet Rose allowed herself, the entire evening, one single flare of sarcasm.
Podrías mudarte a uno de esos palacios, le dije con una sorna de la que me arrepentí al instante.
‘Maybe you could move into one of his palaces,’ I said with a sarcasm I instantly regretted.
—Nada, no necesito nada —me respondía con ganas y con sorna, como diciendo te necesito a vos, jodida pena.
“No, I don’t need anything,” he responded with longing and sarcasm, as if to say, I need you, my little bitch.
—Tráele un vasito de agua al señor Yanaqué, Lituma —ordenó el capitán Silva al sargento con su sorna habitual—.
“Bring Señor Yanaqué a glass of water, Lituma,” Captain Silva ordered the sergeant with his usual sarcasm.
Wheeler exhaló aire entre los dientes, con una mezcla de sorna e impaciencia, como si dijera ‘Vaya cosa’ o ‘Qué tontería’.
Wheeler blew out air between his teeth, with a mixture of sarcasm and impatience, as if to say: ‘Oh really’ or ‘What nonsense’.
—pregunté sin sorna.
I asked with no irony.
Me miró sin compasión ni sorna.
He looked at me without mercy or irony.
Vlad me miró con sorna cortés.
Vlad looked at me with polite irony.
Yo siempre me las he arreglado. —Lo dije sin sorna, porque era la verdad.
I always get by,” I said that without any irony, because it was true.
Brinco había respondido con sorna y el Viejo sabía apreciar ese esfuerzo.
Brinco had used a touch of irony and the Old Man appreciated his effort.
Esa sutil sorna era lo que necesitaba Shmuel, pero sabía que aquello no iba con su carácter ni estaba a su alcance.
Shmuel longed to acquire that sort of irony himself, but he knew that it was neither in his character nor within his power.
¡Ojalá estuviera en la cárcel! Amparo levanta la mirada y responde también con sorna a su marido. —¡Vaya, hombre! ¡Y yo en el hospital!
God knows, I wish I were in prison!’ Amparo raised her eyes and responded with irony, ‘And me in hospital!’
Curiosamente, observa la voz con un deje de sorna un tanto inadecuado, en la antigua lengua eslava Kopachi significa enterrador.
Curiously enough, the voice observes with a somewhat inappropriate trace of irony, in the ancient Slavic language, kopachi meant “gravedigger.”
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