Translation for "son primitivas" to english
Son primitivas
Translation examples
Esto no es más que una suerte de cinismo increíblemente primitivo y arbitrario.
This is not even double standards; this is amazing, primitive, blunt cynicism.
Los muros son el método de defensa más primitivo y menos eficaz.
Walls are the most primitive and ineffective form of defence.
Les exhorta a no recurrir a esa primitiva forma de castigo.
She urged them not to resort to that primitive form of punishment.
- Los derechos humanos en las sociedades primitivas;
Human rights in primitive societies;
Ello equivale a comparar a Camboya con una sociedad primitiva y anárquica.
This is tantamount to comparing Cambodia to a primitive and anarchic society.
En las zonas del interior, las condiciones de vida de los maestros siguen siendo primitivas.
In the interior, living conditions for teachers are still primitive.
De éstos, 1,32 millones (1,95%) son tribus primitivas.
Of these, 1.32 million (1.95 per cent) are primitive tribes.
Las letrinas eran primitivas.
Toilet facilities were primitive.
La guerra no resuelve nada, la guerra es primitiva.
War solves nothing. War is primitive.
Una maquinaria primitiva para una mente primitiva.
Primitive machinery for a primitive mind.
Era algo primitivo.
It was a primitive thing.
Esto es muy primitivo.
This is very primitive.
E incluso aunque fuesen primitivos, primitivos no significa simples.
And even if they were primitive, primitive doesn’t mean simple.
Era un primitivo, y todos los primitivos, civilizados o no, eran gente tribal.
He was a primitive, and all primitives, civilized or preliterate, were tribal people.
El más primitivo de todos.
The most primitive kind.
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