Translation for "son de forma irregular" to english
Son de forma irregular
  • they are irregularly shaped
  • they are irregular in shape
Translation examples
they are irregularly shaped
En este apartado podrían incluirse armas como las lanzas con púas en la punta, las balas de forma irregular, los proyectiles rellenos de vidrios rotos y otros objetos similares; las balas estriadas, o con la envoltura limada, o las impregnadas de cualquier sustancia que pueda inflamarse o causar daño.
Under this heading might be included such weapons as lances with a barbed head, irregularly shaped bullets, projectiles filled with broken glass and the like; also the scoring of the surface of bullets, the filing off the end of their hard case, and smearing on them any substance likely to inflame or wound.
Grandes pedazos de forma irregular. Abrahams silbó.
Big chunks, irregularly shaped.’ Abrahams whistled.
Era un objeto de forma irregular con muchas curvas y entradas.
It was an irregularly shaped object with many curves and re-entrants.
Pequeños trocitos de metal gris y dorado, de formas irregulares.
Little lumps of grey and gold metal, irregularly shaped.
Proyectaban oscuras sombras en las esquinas del cuarto de forma irregular.
They cast hard black shadows in the angles of the irregularly shaped room.
Tres se acercó y vio que el mapa mostraba una isla de formas irregulares.
Three leaned forward and saw the map was of an irregularly shaped island.
No es que fuesen de forma irregular, sino más bien que su irregularidad era idéntica.
It wasn't that they were irregularly shaped, but rather that they were irregular in exactly the same way.
Sacó una pequeña pieza de forma irregular de un material blanco.
He took out a small piece of irregularly shaped white material.
Los cientos de rocas de forma irregular aparecieron de golpe.
The hundreds of irregularly shaped rocks jumped into view.“Looks like some of them are built up,”
Está en un pequeño cubículo oscuro, no tanto un camarote como un armario de forma irregular.
He’s in a small, dim cubicle, not a room so much as an irregularly shaped storage space.
they are irregular in shape
Son altas, accidentadas y de forma irregular, con cumbres que sobrepasan los 4.200 m sobre el nivel del mar. A través de las Rocosas corre la Divisoria Continental, que separa la cuenca del océano Atlántico de la del Pacífico.
They are high, rough and irregular in shape, with peaks exceeding 4,200 metres above sea level. Through the Rockies runs the Continental Divide which separates drainage into the Atlantic Ocean from drainage into the Pacific Ocean.
Son altas, accidentadas y de forma irregular, con cumbres que sobrepasan los 4.300 m sobre el nivel del mar. A través de las Rocosas corre la Divisoria Continental, que separa la cuenca del océano Atlántico de la del Pacífico.
They are high, rough and irregular in shape, with peaks exceeding 4,300 meters above sea level. Through the Rockies runs the Continental Divide which separates drainage into the Atlantic Ocean from drainage into the Pacific Ocean.
Era de forma irregular, aplanada y recta en un extremo, y curvada en el centro. En el otro extremo se rompía en enormes dedos curvados.
It was irregular in shape, flattened and straight at one end, curving in the middle, splaying into vast curved fingers at the other.
La nave alienígena era una masa compacta, de forma irregular y color gris opaco, como barro de moldear.
The alien ship was a compact bulk, irregular of shape and dull gray in color, like modeling clay molded in cupped hands.
Fue capaz de recordar señales en la gran luna estacionaria del firmamento y darse cuenta de que la más pequeña tenía una forma irregular y desganada.
He was able to remember markings on the large, stationary moon in the sky, and to realize that the smaller one was jagged and irregular in shape.
En el momento en el que el patólogo dio media vuelta, Angler se llevó una gran sorpresa al ver que el fórceps sujetaba una piedra de forma irregular, un poco más grande que una canica.
When he turned back, Angler saw to his vast surprise that what lay between the forceps was a stone, irregular in shape and just a little larger than a marble.
Al principio habían sido decepcionantes por su escaso tamaño y forma irregular, aunque poseían el auténtico color blanco crema y procedían del Sinus Arabícus, en los confines de Etiopía.
In the beginning they had been still disappointingly small and irregular in shape, but they did have the true cream-white pearl color, and came from the waters of the Sinus Arabicus, far down near Aethiopia.
Una amplia lanzada de luz entraba por la puerta abierta del techo de la habitación, que tenía unos diez metros cuadrados, más o menos, pues era de forma irregular, con un lado curvado hacia afuera, otro se combaba hacia adentro por lo que podría ser la esquina de otro edificio anexo, otra mostraba los tres lados de un octágono, mientras que la cuarta pared era de contorno serpentino.
A broad shaft of morning light poured through the open doorway in the ceiling of the room which was about thirty feet square, or roughly square, being irregular in shape, one side curving outward, another being indented by what might have been the corner of another building jutting into it, another alcoved by three sides of an octagon, while the fourth was serpentine in contour.
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