Translation for "solo sabe" to english
Translation examples
¿Solo sabe las cosas?
"He just knows stuff"?
Solo sabe que resucitará.
You know, he just knows he will be resurrected.
Usted solo sabe cosas... ¿Cómo funciona?
You just know things - how does that work?
Alex solo sabe y llega.
Alex just knows and shows up.
Él solo sabe que nació para saltar.
He just knows he was born to jump.
El solo sabe a donde apuntar la cámara.
He just knows how to point a camera.
Solo sabe lo que le gusta.
He just knows what tastes good.
pero cariño, solo sabe esto, que mañana cuando te levantes.
But honey,just know this:
Solo sabe hacer una cosa.
Just knows how to do one thing.
Solo sabe que las cosas no van como debieran—. Dime qué ha pasado.
He just knows that things are not as they should be. He gasps, “Tell me what’s happened.”
Así verán que no solo sabe usar el correo electrónico, sino que es un conocedor de la Red en Televisión.
So they see that you don’t just know e-mail, you are full Net TV person.
solo sabe que tiene cincuenta imágenes que contienen algo importante y otras cincuenta donde ese algo no aparece, e intenta encontrar la diferencia.
it just knows that these are fifty pictures with something important in them, and fifty pictures without that something, and it tries to spot the difference.
Chuy no sabe por qué luchan, solo sabe que se están juntando para dirigirse a la capital y protestar contra algo, y tienen marihuana y cerveza y hay chicas guapas, y desprenden un aire de normalidad juvenil que él ansía desesperadamente a pesar de saber que está fuera de su alcance.
Chuy doesn’t know what they’re fighting about, just knows that they’re gathering to head for the capital to protest something and they have weed and they have beer and they have pretty girls and they have an air of youthful normalcy about them that he desperately wants at the same time he knows it is unattainable.
Él solo... Solo sabe de tres.
He only... he only knows about three.
Él solo sabe oficina.
He only knows oficina.
Que solo sabe ladrar y aullar.
Who only knows how to bark and howl.
Dios solo sabe donde esta ahora.
God only knows where they are now.
Él solo sabe tres palabras.
He only knows three words.
La gente solo sabe tu apodo.
People only know your nickname.
Uno solo sabe cuando esté terminado, Marie.
One only knows when it's finished, Marie.
El cielo solo sabe
Heaven only knows
- Solo sabe que esta desnudo.
- You only know that he's naked.
Pero una hormiga solo sabe de tres.
But one ant only knows of three.
William solo sabe que tiene una zona del cuerpo dolorida.
William only knows he has a hurt place.
—Ella solo sabe que le he pagado bien por su interpretación.
She only knows that I paid her well for her performance.
Solo sabe lo que le dijo el ruso, que Estados Unidos está en peligro.
He only knows what the Russian told him, that the U.S. is in danger.
Advierte que la policía solo sabe que es algo que parece atractivo para mirar.
He warns that the police only know that it’s something that looks like you’d really want to watch it.
Esta es una nación de tenderos y de contrabandistas que solo sabe trapichear y holgazanear.
They’re a nation of shopkeepers and smugglers who only know how to do dodgy deals and doss around.
Julia solo sabe que tiró del brazo de Martin y logró arrastrarle hacia delante.
Julia only knows that she pulled on Martin’s arm and managed to get him to keep walking.
Cuando dejó a su marido, Abner Sirota, hubo quien dijo de ella: «Esta chica solo sabe causar destrozos».
When she left her husband, Avner Sirota, some people said, “That girl only knows how to break things.”
solo sabe que su presencia le da miedo, y que este miedo no hace más que crecer cuando se fija en el sombrero.
He only knows that the sight of her fills him with dread, and when he looks closely at her hat, the dread only intensifies.
Ahora solo sabe que es una fugitiva en todos los sentidos de la palabra, desesperada por seguir libre, incapaz de frenar o de detenerse.
She only knows that she is a runaway in every sense of the word—desperate to stay free, incapable of slowing or stopping.
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