Translation for "solo invita" to english
Solo invita
Translation examples
just invite
Solo invitas a Nicki cada semana... a ver "Mad Men".
You just invite Nicki over every week to watch "Mad Men."
Solo invité a Superman a visitar a nuestro invitado misterioso.
Uh, I just invited Superman to visit our mystery guest.
Solo invita a todos tus amigos y abusa de su confianza haciéndolos trabajar para ti.
Just invite all your friends over and abuse your relationship with them to get them to work for you.
Solo invite a un amigo tuyo a pasar un rato.
I just invited a friend of yours to hang out.
Te engañé para que seas mi esposa, y solo invité a 10 personas a una visita a mi fábrica de pepinillos.
I tricked you into being my wife, and I just invited 10 people to come tour my pickle factory.
solo... invitas a sus amigos del trabajo, buscas una torta, le cantas "Por qué es una buena compañera,"
You just... invite her friends from work, you get a sheet cake, you sing her "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow,"
Solo invita a los tíos y yo te ayudaré a entrar.
Just invite the guys over, and I'll help you get in.
Solo invité a Dee-Ann a...
I just... invited Dee-Ann over for some...
Siempre habéis estado tan unidas, y yo... acabo sintiéndome como la que sobra, así que si solo invito a una, eso no puede pasar, ¿pero sabéis qué?
You two have always been so close, and I... I end up feeling like the third wheel, so if I only invite one of you, that can't happen, but you know what?
¡Sí! Sam solo invita a los ejecutivos a los que está pensando ascender a su cabaña este fin de semana.
Yes! Ye-- ye-- Sam only invites executives that he's eyeing for promotion up to his weekend estate to hobnob.
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