Translation for "sofistas" to english
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Sólo a los partidarios no serios del desarme -- los sofistas, a quienes les interesa el desarme como instrumento político para asestar un revés a los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares y no como medio de lograr algo constructivo -- les disgusta que se les pregunte sobre esas cuestiones y afrontarlas.
It is only the unserious supporters of disarmament -- the sophists who care about it as an instrument of political coup-counting against the nuclear-weapons States, rather than as a means of accomplishing anything constructive -- who should dislike asking and struggling with those issues.
Quienes, a diferencia de los filósofos, sentían menos aprecio por la sabiduría pero demostraban más ardor por poseerla, es decir, los sofistas, hicieron todo lo posible por vencer a Sócrates, y cuando se consideró que su vida no convenía a sus intereses y credibilidad, terminaron por darle muerte.
Those who, unlike the philosophers, felt less love for wisdom yet showed more passion to possess it -- that is, the sophists -- did all they could to defeat Socrates, and when his life was found to contradict their interests and credibility, they eventually had him put to death.
Para hablar con un hombre... un estúpido, sofista...
To talk to a man... A stupid sophist
No es ser sofista el responder con cierta... especificidad.
It's not being sophist to answer it with some... specificity.
En realidad, Como los Sofistas nos enseñaron tan elegantemente, Todo es relativo.
Reality, as the sophists so elegantly informed us, is all relative.
¿Soy un sofista?
Am I a sophist?
Otro sofista pedófilo, con ideas confusas que no llegan a nada, cuyo único objetivo es...
Another pedophile sophist, With confused ideas that do not come to anything, Whose sole objective is...
Nos mostrará que Calicles no debería ser considerado un sofista en lo que respecta a la moral.
It will show us that Callicles should actually not be seen as a sophist as far as the question of morals is concerned.
'lSéverin era un sofista y se negaba a reconocer 'lcualquier modificación susceptible de alterar el comportamiento del alma, 'lya que para él, el alma no era otra cosa que 'lla conciencia."
A perfect sophist, Séverin refused to admit that any changes could be made to the soul, since he believed that the soul was nothing but consciousness.
La próxima vez estudiaremos otros testimonios y hablaremos del importante hallazgo de una obra de Antifón, una auténtica pieza de prosa teorética de un sofista.
Next time we'll hear other testimonies. Especially important here is this most valuable discovery of a work by Antiphon, an actual piece of theoretical prose by a sophist.
Hablará como orador, como un sofista.
He will speak as an orator, as a sophist.
Asesinos acusados. ¿Ahora quién es el sofista?
Now who's the sophist?
—¡Siempre el sofista!
Always the sophist!
Los sofistas son el enemigo.
The Sophists are the enemy.
Eso partía de los sofistas.
That was from the Sophists.
—Sócrates no es un sofista.
‘Socrates is not a sophist.’
Y no era un sofista. —¿Muerto?
‘And he was not a sophist.’ ‘Dead?’
¡Eso es lo que los sofistas enseñaban!
That is what the Sophists were teaching!
—¡No seas una sofista tan fastidiosa!
“Don’t be such a tiresome sophist!”
Algunos de los alumnos de los sofistas ciertamente abusaron de las habilidades que habían aprendido, pero aquello no fue culpa de los sofistas.
Some of the Sophists’ pupils certainly abused the skills that they had learned, but this was not the Sophists’ fault.
Weasley para Sirius, pero debía ser ese número de El Sofista.
Weasley to give to Sirius, but it must have been this edition of The Quibbler.
Utilizando la técnica del staccato, imitaba a los sofistas y bromistas de los gibelinos.
Choosing the staccato technique, I would ape the quibblers and quipsters of the Ghibellines.
Todo el mundo miró a Luna, que miraba a Ron por encima de El Sofista.
Everyone turned to look at Luna Lovegood, who was gazing unblinkingly at Ron over the top of The Quibbler.
Luna los miraba por encima de su revista dada vuelta, que se llamaba El Sofista.
Luna watched them over her upside-down magazine, which was called The Quibbler.
–Ah -dijo sonriendo abiertamente cuando sacó una copia de una revista, El Sofista-. Sí… -golpeando la revista-.
“Ah,” he said, grinning, as he extracted a copy of a magazine entitled The Quibbler from its midst, “yes…”
Me han dicho que para esto poseía bastante talento, pero cualquier sofista de aldea podría hacerse famoso en un sínodo galileo.
I am told that he was quite good at this sort of thing, but any village quibbler can make a name for himself at a Galilean synod.
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