Translation for "sino indio" to english
Sino indio
  • but indian
Translation examples
but indian
Ribero era el favorito de la clase alta, el fotógrafo de las pági-nas sociales, pero quienes me miraban desde la paredes de su estudio no eran empingorotados pelucones ni bellas debutantes, sino indios, mineros, pescadores, lavanderas, niños pobres, ancianos, muchas mu-jeres como aquellas que mi abuela socorría con sus préstamos del Club de Damas.
Ribero was the favorite of the upper class, the photographer of the social pages, but the people gazing at me from the walls of his studio were not bigwig conservatives or beautiful debutantes, but Indians, miners, fishermen, laundresses, poor children, old men, many women like the ones my grandmother helped with her loans from the ladies club.
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