Translation for "simplemente ser" to english
Simplemente ser
Translation examples
Simplemente ser esa persona.
Just be that person.
Eso es simplemente ser cruel.
That's just being mean.
Simplemente ser social, el amor.
Just being social, love.
Nunca puedes simplemente ser.
You can never just be.
¿Por qué no puedes simplemente ser tú mismo?
Why can’t you just be yourself?
Nadar, flotar, inspirar y espirar y, simplemente, ser.
I would swim, and float, and breathe in and out, and just be.
Lo que Cappy hacía para atraer a las chicas era simplemente ser Cappy.
What Cappy did to attract girls was just be Cappy.
Y como no tenía que ponerles palabras a sus pensamientos para los demás, al cabo de un tiempo pudo dejar de pensar y simplemente ser.
And because she did not have to form thoughts into words for others, after a time Honor could stop thinking, and just be.
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