Translation for "sigámosle" to english
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let's follow him
Sigámosle —dijo rápidamente Ata, dirigiéndose hacia los etíopes—.
"Let's follow him!" Ata said quickly, turning to the Ethiopians.
-Sigámosle -dijo el Corsario, no menos asombrado que Carmaux.
"Let's follow him," said the Corsair, who was no less amazed than Carmaux.
Sigámosle —dijo Retón. Los dos marineros, a su vez, se aventuraron sobre el puente, empuñando las carabinas.
"Let's follow him," Reton said. The two sailors, in turn, advanced, clutching their carbines.
Habida cuenta de que Tausk no se hace cargo de su regreso en taxi, Pélestor camina hasta la estación de metro Rome. Sigámoslo.
As Tausk has not paid for his return taxi trip, Pélestor walks to the Rome metro station. Let’s follow him.
Sigámoslo —ordenó Tookey; tenía el pelo aplastado por la nieve y cierto aspecto de chiflado, a decir verdad—.
Follow him,” Tookey says. His hair was plastered with snow, and he did look a little bit loony.
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