Translation for "siempre ten" to english
Siempre ten
Translation examples
Mi padre decía: "Siempre ten opciones".
- My dad said, "Always have options."
Siempre ten esto contigo.
You must always have this with you.
Siempre ten a alguien contigo.
Always have somebody with you.
Siempre ten una ruta de salida segura.
Always have a sure way out.
Siempre ten fe en quien eres.
Always have faith in who you are.
Siempre ten un respaldo.
Always have a backup.
Siempre ten una estrategia de huida.
Always have an exit strategy.
Siempre ten un objetivo.
Always have an objective.
Y siempre ten algo cocinado por si te viene una visita. —Por lo que yo sé, jamás tuvo más invitados que yo; y a duras penas podría decirse que la visitara por iniciativa propia. Y nunca sirvas el café en tazas de desayuno. Aunque nunca se mostraba demasiado explícita.
And always have some baking on hand for when people might drop in. (As far as I knew, she never had any visitors but me, and you could hardly say that I had dropped in.) And never serve coffee in mugs.
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