Translation for "sido referido" to english
Sido referido
Translation examples
Hasta ahora ha sido referido como un consultor.
Until now he's been referred to as a consultant.
La evidencia circunstancial era tan fuerte que el caso... ha sido referido a la Assizes.
Circumstantial evidence was so strong that the case has been referred to the Assizes.
Esto es incongruente con su imagen preferida de lo que la historia se supone que debe ser y, como dije, Ud... puede comprobar cuantas veces, estos casos indiscutibles, han sido referidos últimamente y recordar quienes fueron los responsables
It is just inconsistent with their preferred image of what history is supposed to be and, as I say, you can check how much, these uncontroversial cases have been referred to recently and remember who were the individuals
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