Translation for "sido inmediatamente" to english
Translation examples
Si un solo hombre se atrevía a acercase, creo realmente que habría sido inmediatamente arrestado por fascista.
Had a mere man ventured in their neighbourhood I verily believe he would have been immediately arrested as a Fascist.
Sólo dos objetos habían sido inmediatamente reconocibles: un trozo de motor y un módulo de asiento de tres plazas.
Only two pieces had been immediately recognizable: a portion of one engine and a three-unit passenger-seat module.
Algunos me respetaron inmediatamente, otros me subestimaron inmediatamente.
Some immediately respected me, others immediately underestimated me.
¿Puede usted venir inmediatamente? —Inmediatamente, desde luego.
Can you come over immediately?" "Immediately."
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