Translation for "sido durante la guerra" to english
Sido durante la guerra
  • been during the war
  • it has been during the war
Translation examples
been during the war
– ¿Cuándo fue eso, Richard, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial? -Era una broma, una cruda ironía a costa de Baedecker, que aludía constantemente a la diferencia de edad entre ambos, pero Baedecker parpadeó al comprender que en efecto había sido durante la guerra.
'When was that, Richard, during World War II?' She meant it as a joke — a not-so-subtle jibe at his constant mentioning of their age difference — but Baedecker blinked in shock as he realized that it had been during the war.
Puesto que el racionamiento alimenticio durante la posguerra hizo que la vida fuese tan sosa como lo había sido durante la guerra, la llegada de esos paquetes era muy bien recibida, además que incluían normalmente algo imposible de adquirir en Inglaterra, como por ejemplo un jamón.
As post-war food rationing was making life almost more drab than it had been during the war itself, these parcels were most welcome, and they invariably included something that could scarcely be bought in England then, a large ham.
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