Translation for "si honor" to english
Si honor
Translation examples
if honor
Vale, entonces que tal si Honor dice "No les daría"
Okay, what if honor says "I won't give you"
Hablaba como si Honor supiera qué pasaba.
She was talking as if Honor knew what was happening.
-Podemos tomarlos, especialmente si Honor está allí.
We can take them, especially if Honor is there.
- Ahí es donde se encuentran, mayor -continuó, como si Honor no hubiera hablado-.
"This is where they are, Major," he said as if Honor hadn't spoken.
Pero si Honor les daba esas cimbras, tendría que ser capaz de justificar sus acciones.
But if Honor gave them those rockers, she'd have to be able to justify her actions.
Si Honor disparaba al Sirio y provocaba un incidente interestelar que no dejase otra opción a la Reina Isabel que desaprobar sus acciones, su carrera estaba acabada.
If Honor fired into Sirius and provoked an interstellar incident which left Queen Elizabeth no choice but to disavow her actions, then Honor's career was over.
Si Honor consentía que Coglin se marchara, el Sirio simplemente desaparecería en el espacio y el Intrépido sobreviviría.
If Honor let Coglin go, Sirius would simply vanish into hyper space, and Fearless would survive.
Si Honor nos va a servir de ayuda, debe casarse con Jack lo antes posible. —Meneó la cabeza—.
If Honor is to be of any help to us, she and Jack must marry as soon as possible.” She shook her head.
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