Translation examples
La único malo era la comida que les servíamos
The only bad part was the food we were serving them
Servíamos a los polacos.
Poles were serving.
Y les servíamos todos los platillos.
And we would serve them all plates.
Siempre servíamos un refrescador de paladar en la cena de los sábados.
We'd always be served a palate cleanser at Sunday supper.
Servíamos en una nave de guerra, el Yorktown.
Siempre servíamos esto cuando teníamos amigos de visita.
We always served this when we had friends to visit.
Nos servíamos las tolvas.
We were serving the Hoppers.
Y nosotros les servíamos la comida.
And we served them food.
Servíamos como criadas en los prostíbulos.
We served as maids to the prostitutes.
Hace poco les servíamos aquí a ustedes.
We served you before!
Servíamos en la Primigenia.
We served with Primigenia.
Armand y yo servíamos con él.
Armand and I served under him.
Hudson y yo servíamos la mesa.
Hudson and I were serving at table.
Servíamos en el Pacífico, Andrews.
We were serving in the Pacific, Andrews.
Las dos servíamos a la Primera Tribu.
we both served the First People.
Era evidente que no servíamos al Príncipe de Pradoval.
It was obvious we did not serve the Prince of Meadenvil.
«Non serviam», pensó. No serviré.
Non serviam, she thought. I shall not serve.
Servíamos a nuestro amo, y venimos a llorar por su muerte.
Serving our master, we come weeping for his death.
Durante el día servíamos cafés y por las noches se transformaba en bar.
During the day we served coffee, at night it was a bar.
Nos servíamos de su amplia provisión de cuadernos y papel de carta y planeábamos las películas que haríamos juntos.
We helped ourselves to the rich supplies of notebooks and stationery and planned movies we would make together.
Le servíamos el desayuno con las tazas antiguas y con los cubiertos de plata ingleses, con la nata en la jarrita de plata que, cincuenta y dos años atrás, un pariente generoso y de poco gusto le había regalado en su bautizo.
We put out the old cups and the English cutlery, and he pours cream from the silver jug he received as a christening present fifty-two years ago from a do-gooding relative with modest tastes.
él y yo discutimos mientras servíamos ginebra y coñac y dábamos a cada uno de los reunidos un cubito de hielo —eran delgadas superficies heladas con un poco de agua dentro— que por alguna curiosa razón, probablemente porque era demasiado vieja, era lo mejor que podía hacer mi nevera.
He and I argued while we poured the gin and brandy, and gave each person one of the hollow ice cubes – they were thin shapes of ice with water inside them – that, for some curious reason, probably old age, were the best my refrigerator could do.
No sé qué aprendí en realidad durante el cautiverio del Liceo Nacional, pero los cuatro años de convivencia bien avenida con todos me infundieron una visión unitaria de la nación, descubrí cuán diversos éramos y para qué servíamos, y aprendí para no olvidarlo nunca que en la suma de cada uno de nosotros estaba todo el país.
I do not know what in fact I learned during my captivity in the Liceo Nacional, but the four years of harmonious coexistence with everyone instilled a unitary vision of the nation in me, I discovered how diverse we were and what we were good for, and I learned and never forgot that the entire country was in fact the sum total of each one of us.
Max y yo servíamos mesas juntas.
Max and I waited tables together.
Servíamos mesas juntos en la cafetería.
We used to wait tables together at the diner.
En 1977 Other Voices no había eclipsado a la veterana Kenyon Review y tampoco causado excesiva preocupación a The Hudson Review, pero servíamos nuestros números trimestrales a nuestros suscriptores.
In 1977, Other Voices hadn't eclipsed the old Kenyan Review or caused The Hudson Review undue worry about competition, but we were getting our quarterly issues out to subscribers;
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