Translation for "ser la felicidad" to english
Ser la felicidad
Translation examples
No reconocer los propios errores podría ser la felicidad completa —contestó la señora sin dejar de mirarse el pie.
Not to recognize one's mistakes--that would be happiness in life," the lady went on, still looking at her pretty foot.
Vivieron varias semanas de felicidad (no era, no podía ser la felicidad exacerbada, febril, de los jóvenes, para ellos ya no se trataba de explotarse la cabeza ni de despedazarse gravemente durante un fin de semana;
They had several happy weeks. It was not, it couldn’t be, the exacerbated, feverish happiness of young people, and it was no longer a question for them in the course of a weekend to get plastered or totally shit-faced;
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