Translation for "ser excusado de" to english
Ser excusado de
Translation examples
a) Ser excusado de un asunto por la Presidencia, con su conformidad;
(a) be excused from a case by the Presidency, with his agreement;
Se afirmó además que el Gobernador Pataki había retirado al Sr. Johnson del caso con arreglo a una ley estatal que concede al Gobernador la facultad de retirar a los fiscales en determinados casos, ley que sólo se utiliza cuando un fiscal o su oficina piden ser excusados del caso o han sido suspendidos por comportamiento indebido.
It was furthermore alleged that Governor Pataki removed Mr. Johnson from the case pursuant to a State law that grants the Governor the power to remove district attorneys in specific cases, a law which was only used in cases where a prosecutor or his office asked to be excused from a case, or had been suspended for misconduct.
Me gustaría ser excusada de este jurado.
Um, I-I'd like to be excused from this jury.
Por favor, puede ser excusado de Oliver clase.
Please may Oliver be excused from class.
Pido ser excusado de testificar.
I ask to be excused from testifying.
Mi cliente solicita ser excusado de la sala - durante el testimonio del Dr. Jonas. - ¿Sí?
My client's asked to be excused from the courtroom during Dr. Jonas' testimony.
Que tiene hernia, su espalda está mal y debe ser excusado de hacer gimnasia.
That he has a hernia and a bad back and must be excused from gym class.
—Creo que el proceso judicial demostrará que Aygar estaba actuando mal informado, y que puede ser excusado de una violación consciente de los reglamentos del CEE. Borander se puso rígido.
“I think the judicial will find that Aygar was acting on misinformation and could be excused from a conscious violation of EEC regulations.” Borander held himself stiffly.
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