Translation examples
Seguid el agua, seguid el agua.
Follow the water. Follow the water!
- ¿La han seguido?
Were you followed?
Estoy siendo seguida.
Te he seguido...
I've followed you.
- Me ha seguido.
- He followed me.
¡Seguid su ejemplo!
Follow his example!
Los ha seguido.
He's followed.
Has seguido tus ordenes, yo he seguido las mías.
You followed your orders. I followed mine.
Seguidos de remordimientos y lágrimas, seguidos de sexo apasionado.
Followed by remorse and tears, followed by heated lovemaking.
Se seguían unos a otros y eran seguidos.
Following each other and being followed.
Seguid a la da-comida —dijo—. Seguid el olor.
"Follow the food-giver," he said. "Follow the smell."
Una partida seguida de un regreso, siempre un regreso seguido de una partida.
A departure followed by a return, and a return followed by a departure.
Porque lo habían seguido.
They had followed him;
¿Le habían seguido?
Was he being followed?
Nos habían seguido.
They’d followed us.
No la habían seguido.
The women weren't following.
No lo habían seguido.
They had not followed him.
Seguido por una letra.
Followed by a letter.
La situación ha seguido deteriorándose.
The situation has continued to deteriorate.
Se han seguido produciendo enfrentamientos esporádicos.
Sporadic clashes continue.
Hemos seguido siendo el principal donante.
We have continued to be the largest donor.
La AOD ha seguido disminuyendo, la carga de la deuda ha seguido aumentando y los países del Sur han seguido enfrentando diversos obstáculos que limitan el acceso de sus productos de exportación a los mercados de los países desarrollados.
Official development assistance had continued to decline, the debt burden had continued to increase and the countries of the South continued to face various obstacles that limited access for their exports to the markets of developed countries.
922. Ha seguido el acoso a los periodistas.
Journalists have continued to be harassed.
En general, este ha seguido siendo el caso.
This has generally continued to be the case.
El Organismo ha seguido ocupándose de este asunto.
The matter continued to be pursued by the Agency.
Este ha seguido intensificándose.
This has continued to intensify.
Es más, esas partes han seguido combatiendo.
Moreover, fighting between these parties continued.
Niños, seguid escribiendo.
Children, continue writing.
- ¡Seguid a pie!
- Continue on foot!
Seguid mirando, esclavos.
Continue to watch, slaves.
¿Has seguido bailando?
Have you continued to dance?
Seguid recogiendo trigo.
Continue collecting the grain
¿Habrán seguido evolucionando?
Have they continued to evolve?
¡Seguid con los sacrificios!
Continue the sacrifices!
Y he seguido teniendo miedo.
And it continued
Has seguido su legado.
You've continued his legacy.
¿Vienes seguido aquí?
? Continued to come here?
Seguid con vuestro trabajo.
Continue with your work.
Pero se recobra en seguida:
But he immediately continues:
No, ha seguido subiendo.
No, it had continued upward.
Y las protestas habían seguido.
And the protests had continued.
Habían seguido mimándola.
They had continued its stewardship.
Había seguido bebiendo.
She had continued to drink.
Seguid por esa carretera de la izquierda.
Continue on that road to the left.
Seguid con la extracción —dije—.
Continue your extraction,”
Y he seguido trabajando con él.
And I continued to work with him in the meantime.
Los Guardianes han seguido luchando.
The Guardians have continued to fight.
A la postre, los ingresos de estos últimos no han seguido el ritmo del crecimiento de sus deudas.
Eventually, their incomes failed to keep pace with their rising debts.
Los reportes han seguido lo establecido en el Código 10.
The reports have been in keeping with the format describe in Code 10.
Esta industria prácticamente no está reglamentada porque los Estados no han seguido el ritmo de la evolución tecnológica y política.
This industry is virtually unregulated as States have failed to keep pace with technological and political developments.
De conformidad con la práctica seguida en el pasado, sería necesario aumentar la estimación preliminar en 4,4 millones de dólares.
In keeping with past practice, it would be necessary to add $4.4 million to the preliminary estimate.
Además, el crecimiento económico no ha seguido el mismo ritmo que el demográfico.
Economic growth has not managed to keep pace with population growth.
Seguid buscando, chicos.
Keep digging, boys.
Vamos, seguid así.
Keep them coming.
Venga, no os pareis, seguid, seguid.
Hey, keep moving. Keep moving. We can't...
Aldeanos, seguid cantando.
Villagers, keep singing.
Y seguíd pasándomelas.
Keep it coming.
Seguid con esto.
Keep this moving.
Seguid con ello.
Keep at it.
Seguid buscándolo.
Keep looking for him.
—¡Seguid avanzando!
Keep moving forward!”
Seguid vuestro camino y nosotros seguiremos el nuestro.
Keep your own ways, and we will keep ours.
–¡Seguid paseando, entonces!
Keep walking, then!
Seguid diciendo lo que sois.
Keep repeating what you are.”
¿Por qué han seguido pagándole?
Why keep paying her?
—¡Seguid repitiendo las palabras!
Keep the words moving!”
—Bien, seguid mirando.
“Well, keep looking.”
¡Seguid avanzando, hermanos!
Keep moving, brothers!’
Ya se ha cursado la visita al Paraguay y próximamente se efectuará la de Honduras, seguida de la de Camboya.
The SPT had already been to Paraguay and would shortly go to Honduras, and subsequently to Cambodia.
f) Contratación y dotación de personal en las Naciones Unidas: estrategia seguida (A/63/285);
(f) Recruitment and staffing in the United Nations: strategy going forward (A/63/285);
Contratación y dotación de personal en las Naciones Unidas: estrategia seguida (A/63/285)
Recruitment and staffing in the United Nations: strategy going forward (A/63/285)
Por supuesto, no tengo tiempo de entrar en detalles sobre las medidas adoptadas y las políticas seguidas desde 2006.
Obviously, there is not enough time to go into the details of the measures undertaken and policies pursued since 2006.
Informe del Secretario General sobre contratación y dotación de personal en las Naciones Unidas: la estrategia seguida
Report of the Secretary-General on recruitment and staffing in the United Nations: strategy going forward
La deforestación y la degradación de las zonas de captación de agua han seguido adelante sin controles adecuados.
Deforestation and degradation of water catchment areas has been going on without adequate checks.
A pesar de que el gobierno del estado de Michigan les ha negado el acceso, el Departamento ha seguido adelante.
Even though the Michigan State government refused them access, the Department is going ahead.
Finalmente, murmuró: «Seguid, seguid vosotros…».
At last he murmured: ‘You go on, go on .
Pero, seguid con la historia.
But go on with the tale.
—¿Tú hubieras seguido?
‘Would you have wanted it to go on?’
—Eso es, seguid discutiendo.
“That’s it, go on arguing.
—No, seguid con vuestros objetivos.
No, go on to your targets.
¿Por qué no partir en seguida?
Why not go at once?
No he seguido más allá.
I didn’t go beyond.”
Vámonos en seguida.
Let’s go straight away.
Elsa no se fue en seguida.
Elsa did not go at once.
Muchas entidades han seguido este mandato.
Many entities have been pursuing this mandate.
Muchas entidades han seguido ese mandato.
Many entities have been pursuing that mandate.
Esta es una línea de investigación que debería ser atentamente seguida.
This is a line of inquiry that should be thoroughly pursued.
A. Resumen de la política seguida desde 1998
A. Policy pursued since 1998
A. Resumen de la política seguida desde 1993
I. GENERAL A. Policy pursued since 1993
A. Resumen de la política seguida desde 1986
A. Outline of policy pursued since 1986
Nos han seguido.
We are being pursued.
Podrías haberlo seguido.
You could have pursued him!
No, los has seguido.
No, you pursued them.
Yo siempre he seguido a los artistas.
I always pursue artists.
Una gresca seguida por su propio bien.
A quarrel pursued for its own sake.
Mis dos hermanos han seguido.
My two brothers pursued him.
Ella no me habría seguido.
She would not have pursued me.
El carrito fue seguido por otro semejante.
The cart was pursued by another of its kind.
Una avanzadilla Takashi nos había seguido.
A Takashi advance guard had pursued us.
¿No le había seguido por doquier esta sombra maldita?
Hadn’t that evil shadow pursued him everywhere?
¿Cuántas pistas falsas había seguido?
How many false leads had he pursued?
En seguida echó a correr detrás de un balón, cojeando.
She was limping as she pursued the ball again.
Acto seguido se le permitió seguir a Basora tras llevarse el pasaporte del capitán.
Three of the Iranians boarded the tugboat, inspected it and then allowed it to proceed to Basra after seizing the captain's passport.
En su opinión se trata de un problema grave, y no le parece que el procedimiento seguido sea el adecuado.
It was a serious issue and an inappropriate way to proceed.
Hacer una cosa, seguid vosotros, luego iré yo.
"Do a thing, you all proceed, I'll join you."
Seguid, señor, ya os alcanzaré.
Proceed, sir, I will join you
No, seguid vosotros.
No you may proceed. - Why?
Seguid vosotras, ahora os alcanzo.
You proceed, I'll join you.
¡Seguid con vuestras vidas!
Proceed with your lives!
Seguid, padre —dijo el centinela un tanto avergonzado. —Gracias.
"Proceed, Father," said the sentry, a little embarrassed. "Thank you.
—Dicho con franqueza, y con un espíritu similar: seguid —repuso Eltargrim con tranquilidad.
"Plainly said, and in like spirit: proceed," Eltargrim said calmly.
Acto seguido, procedo a preguntar: ¿qué debo decir?, ¿cuál cuchillo debo usar?, ¿qué libro debo elogiar?
I proceed to ask next: What is the right thing to say? Which is the right knife to use? What is the right book to praise?
No habían seguido muy bien el ritmo al argumento, pero esa palabra concreta la entendían a la perfección—.
They hadn’t been keeping up very well, but they recognized that word all right.
—Bien —dijo Silas—, si ha seguido esa línea, habrá llegado al canal Stackyard. —¿Qué es eso?
“Well,” said Silas, “if he keeps up this line, he’s heading for the Stackyard Channel.” “Which is?”
He seguido el móvil de Lortihois.
I've traced Lortihois' mobil.
Seguido pista collar Suffolk hasta Sheldrake.
Have traced Suffolk necklace to Sheldrake.
- Puede ser seguido?
- Can this be traced?
Yasuda debe haber sido seguido.
Yasuda must have been traced.
- Ferris la ha seguido hasta aquí.
- Ferris traced you here.
Pero el caudillo los había seguido.
But the warlord had traced them here.
Le hemos seguido desde el incendio.
We traced him from the fire
- ¿Qué hemos seguido camino de regreso.
- Which we traced way back.
Le hemos seguido hasta este apartamento.
We traced him to this apartment.
Tú le has seguido y eso es todo.
You've traced him down and that's that."
¡Ha seguido la pista del impermeable!
You traced the raincoat!
—Hemos seguido la pista de la pistola que encontramos en el bolso.
We've traced the gun that was in the purse.
Al parecer, la policía nos ha seguido la pista.
The police seem to have traced us here.
Pero quizá podrían haber seguido la pista del arma.
But maybe the gun could be traced.
—Los vampiros podrían haberos seguido hasta allí.
The vampires might have traced you there.
—Entonces, ¿ha seguido su órbita hacia atrás?
“So you’ve traced its orbit back?
Seguid las facciones de mi rostro con vuestros instrumentos científicos.
Trace the lineaments of my face with your scientific instruments.
De nuevo habían seguido pasos famosos, como peregrinos.
Again they’d traveled in famous traces, like pilgrims.
—¿Por qué no les han seguido antes la pista a los padres biológicos?
Why didn't you keep track of the birth parents before?
En seguida vuelvo.
I'll Be back. Hold it.
¡Seguid con normalidad, chicos!
Hold it steady, boys!
Acto seguido Chico Z le tiende el llavero.
At last Z-Boy holds out his keyring.
Les hemos seguido hasta aquí.
We chased them out here.
Nunca tendrían que haberte seguido.
They never should have chased you.
Nos ha seguido por todas partes.
He's chased us everywhere else.
Debió haberte seguido.
Should've chased after you.
Entonces ¿por qué me has seguido?
Then why bother chasing me?
Os hemos seguido toda la noche.
We been chasing our tails all night.
- Le ha seguido varias manzanas.
- Been chasing him for blocks.
Yo siempre la he seguido en silencio...
"I perpetually silently chase"
Acto seguido fue a por Chase.
It started for Chase again.
—He seguido al asesino hasta el río.
I chased the killer to the river.
Y durante ese tiempo «eso» le había seguido los pasos a ella.
And all the time it was chasing her.
—No puedo estar segura de si me han seguido o no.
"I can't be certain if they're chasing me or not.
—Les hemos seguido la pista toda la noche.
We have chased them all night.
—Habréis seguido la pista de algún indio, no la mía.
Maybe you chased some Indians, not me.
- Le han seguido
You're being tailed.
Hemos seguido a Mickey.
We tailed Mickey.
¿Henry te ha seguido?
Henry tailed you?
- Fui seguido, mayor.
- I was tailed, major.
Deberíamos haberle seguido.
We should've tailed him.
Wes, hoy nos han seguido.
“Wes, we were tailed today.”
Iella informando que estaba siendo seguido.
Iella reporting that he was being tailed.
Mike, tú has seguido a Eddie;
Mike, you've been tailing handsome Eddie.
Quizá sabía que había sido seguido.
    Maybe he did know that he'd been tailed.
Me había seguido desde la casa hasta el Olympic.
He had tailed me from the house to the Olympic.
Lo había seguido hasta Temecula, donde trabajaba por horas.
The guy tailed him to a siding job in Temecula.
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