Translation for "se divide en dos" to english
Se divide en dos
  • it is divided in two
  • it is divided into two
Translation examples
it is divided in two
La Lista se divide en dos partes.
The List is divided in two parts.
Se divide en dos partes.
It is divided into two parts:
Se divide en dos secciones.
It is divided into two sections.
Se divide en dos ciclos.
It is divided into two cycles.
El informe se divide en dos partes.
The report is divided into two parts.
El documento se divide en dos partes:
2. It is divided into two parts:
El informe se divide en dos secciones.
The report is divided into two sections.
La obra se divide en dos partes.
The Institutiones is divided into two parts.
CAPÍTULO VI La ruta 101 se divide en dos en la península.
HIGHWAY 101 divides into two branches on the Peninsula.
La corte de Guenka se divide en dos grupos: los SS y los sionistas.
Genka’s court is divided into two groups: the SS and the Zionists.
Los números pares siempre salen cuando se les divide entre dos. ¡No hay problema!
Like even numbers, which can all be divided by two. No problem.
En mi opinión se divide en dos, y ambas se extravían en aguas de desconcierto.
“In my opinion it is divided in two, and both become lost in the waters of confusion.”
La población de un Estado siempre se divide en dos grupos: el pueblo y los enemigos del pueblo.
Any population is divided into two factions: the people, and the enemies of the people.
Dale pasa detrás de la cortina marrón que divide las dos habitaciones.
Dale pushes through the maroon curtain that divides the two rooms.
Lo único que consigue con su llanto es que la criatura que lleva en su vientre se divida en dos.
All he achieves by his lamentations is to cause the son he is carrying in his belly to divide into two.
Y tengo una chalina larga que se divide en dos y me cae hasta la cintura, en el estilo de los mercenarios croatas.
And I have a long cravat dividing in two and falling down to my waist, in the fashion of Croatian mercenaries.
Podríamos decir que el círculo del radio uno es una valla, un límite, una frontera, que divide los dos conjuntos de números.
You could say that the circle of radius one is a fence—a boundary—a frontier—dividing the two sets of numbers.
it is divided into two
En mi opinión se divide en dos, y ambas se extravían en aguas de desconcierto.
“In my opinion it is divided in two, and both become lost in the waters of confusion.”
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