Translation for "sargentos" to english
Translation examples
"Sargento de Policía" en lugar de "Sargento".
"Police sergeant" instead of "Sergeant"
Sargento (cadete)
Sergeant in training
Sargento primero
Staff Sergeant
Sargento (reserva)
Sergeant (Reserve)
Sargento (voluntario)
Volunteer Sergeant
Sargento segundo
Sergeant Corporal
Sargento Williams, Sargento Clark.
úA Sergeant Williams, Sergeant Clark.
Sargento Hickey, sargento McPherson.
Sergeant Hickey, Sergeant McPherson.
- ¡Sargento Instructor, sí, Sargento Instructor!
- Drill Sergeant, yes, Drill Sergeant!
[ Haywood ] ¡Sargento Instructor, sí, Sargento Instructor!
[ Haywood ] Drill Sergeant, yes, Drill Sergeant.!
Sargento Voight, es el Sargento Roland.
Sergeant Voight, this is Sergeant Roland.
Sargento Parker, soy el Sargento Morello.
Sergeant Parker, Sergeant Morello.
Sargento Barnes, sargento Elias...
Staff Sergeant Barnes, Sergeant Elias...
Sargento, sargento, sargento —dijo Fhrac con voz cansada—.
Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant,” said Froc wearily.
Se llamaba «sargento». -¡Sargento Colon!
It was called a sergeant. “Sergeant Colon!”
¡Sargento Williams! ¡Sargento Williams!
Sergeant Williams! Sergeant Williams!’
Sargento Mendoza -respondió el sargento-.
"Sergeant Mendoza," the sergeant answered.
¿Tampoco recuerda al sargento Devoe? —Sargento De… ¡El sargento Devoe! —gritó Ellery—. ¡Hola, Sargento!
Maybe you’d remember Sergeant Devoe?” “Sergeant De . . . Sergeant Devoe!” Ellery shouted. “Hello, Sergeant!
Él era un buen sargento, un sargento condenadamente bueno, y le gustaba ser sargento.
He was a good sergeant, a bloody good sergeant, and he enjoyed being a sergeant.
Pregunte por el sargento Prince o el sargento Janowski.
Ask for Sergeant Prince or Sergeant Janowski.
-Ejem... ¿el sargento Fuerteenelbrazo todavía es sargento?
“Er…is Sergeant Stronginthearm still a sergeant?”
—Es el sargento Fergmen —dijo Simonía—. ¿Sí, sargento?
“This is Sergeant Fergmen,” said Simony. “Yes, sergeant?”
El sargento no le corrigió el rango.
The serjeant did not correct his rank.
Uno había sido sargento de la Guardia de la Ciudad;
One had been a serjeant in the City Watch;
—No para enterrar su maldición, hombre —dijo el sargento escuetamente—.
"Not to bury his curse, man," said the serjeant curtly.
—Eso cambia las cosas —le dijo el sargento de la guardia a sus hombres—.
"That changes matters," the serjeant of the guard told his men.
—Y los sargentos bretones serán un buen estímulo —dijo Dimi—.
"And they'll be leavened well with the Breton serjeants," Dimi said.
—Que la última fila gire —dijo el sargento—, se pondrán detrás…
"Rear rank turn," the serjeant said, "they'll get behind—"
—Tom —dijo secamente el sargento, y el soldado se puso firme por un momento.
"Tom," the serjeant said sharply, and the soldier stood to attention for a moment.
El sargento gritaba, intentando formar a sus hombres y decidir un orden de búsqueda.
The serjeant was shouting, trying to form his men and decide on a pattern of search.
Dimitrios le hizo una seña a su sargento el cual, atónito, contemplaba el brazo de lord Stanley.
Dimitrios waved to his serjeant, who was staring, bewildered, at Lord Stanley's arm.
Rindiéndose a la derrota, lord Unwin convocó a sus señores y sargentos y ordenó la retirada.
Bowing to defeat, Lord Unwin summoned his lords and serjeants and ordered a retreat.
Sargento, sargento, acaban de verlos.
Sarge. Sarge, they've just been spotted.
Órdenes del sargento.
Sarge's orders.
¡Buen día, Sargento!
G'day, Sarge!
¡Venga, mi sargento!
C'mon, Sarge!
Sargento, va a...
Sarge, he's...
—¡Soy yo, sargento! ¡Nobby, sargento!
“It’s me, Sarge, Nobby, Sarge!
—¡Sargento, ese hombre se va a escapar, sargento!
Sarge, that man’s going to escape, Sarge!
oh, sargento... Nancyball se ha vuelto a desmayar, sargento...
oh, Sarge…Nancyball fainted again, Sarge
—¿Y qué es, sargento?
“And what’s that, Sarge?”
—No hay problema, sargento.
No problem, Sarge.
—Esta mañana, sargento.
“This morning, Sarge.”
—No, gracias, sargento.
“No thanks, Sarge.”
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