Translation for "sala grande" to english
Translation examples
"Probémoslo en la sala grande".
"Let's try that in the big room."
En la sala grande estaremos más cómodos.
In the big room we will be more comfortable.
Fuimos a la sala grande, mostré a Adam los acordes y empezamos a tocarlos.
So, we all went into the big room and showed Adam the chords, and we just started playing them.
En ese rincón de la sala grande.
In that post in the big room.
Veo que nos tocó la sala grande.
We've got a big room here, don't we?
¿Por qué mamá ha reservado la sala grande?
Why did mom book the big room?
No calentaremos la sala grande ni la de los niños.
We'll stop heating the big room and the nursery.
Toda la sala grande está vacía...
The whole big room is empty.
Entramos en la sala grande.
We go in the big room.
No era una sala grande.
It was not a big room.
En la sala grande de abajo.
“In the big room beneath us.”
La sala grande también tenía las paredes cubiertas de estanterías.
The big room was walled with more shelves.
Una sala grande, una de tantas del Perret Institute;
A big room, one of many in the Perret Institute;
Al fondo de la sala grande había dos despachos.
At the back of the big room were two offices.
—dijo el cabo, llevándolos a la sala grande. —¡No!
said the corporal, leading the way out into the big room. “No!”
Vayan a sentarse los dos allí, en ese banco de la sala grande.
Both of you, sit in there in that big room.
Dejo la ventana de la sala grande y camino por la casa.
I leave the window of the big room and walk through the house.
Podría reservarse una sala grande, con servicios de interpretación completos, únicamente para esas reuniones, ya sea semanal o diariamente, y asignarla de forma organizada o según el orden en que se reciban las solicitudes.
One large room, with full interpretation services, could be set aside solely for such meetings, either weekly or daily, and allocated on an organized or on a first-come first-served basis.
Debido a que solamente tiene una sala grande, no lo pueden utilizar grupos mixtos o varios grupos al mismo tiempo.
Because it has only one large room, it cannot be used by mixed groups or several groups at the same time.
No es una sala grande.
It's not a large room.
Imagina una sala grande con un techo muy alto.
Picture a really high ceiling in a large room.
Era una sala grande con chimenea;
It was a large room with a fireplace;
Era una sala grande con varias alcobas.
            It was a large room with several alcoves.
La parte más alta de la Torre: una sala grande.
At the top of the Tower: a large room.
Era o bien una sala grande o un auditorio pequeño.
It was either a large room or a small auditorium.
Es una sala grande, pretenciosa, impresionante y poco respetable.
It is a large room, flashy, dramatic, and disreputable.
Lo llevó a una sala grande donde había una ducha.
She took him into a large room where there was a shower.
—A esta sala grande se la llama cubierta de observación —informó—.
This large room is called the observation deck,
Una sala grande, un par de hombres de pie, mirando.
A large room, a couple of men standing and looking.
El águila la llevó a una sala grande cubierta con pesados tapices.
    The Eagle led her to a large room draped with heavy tapestries.
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