Translation for "sabia contar" to english
Sabia contar
  • i knew how to count
  • could count
Translation examples
could count
Te dije que sabía contar así de lejos.
Told you we could count that high.
Un loro que sabía contar decía "Pretty Polly" sin parar.
A parrot who could count to three squawked "Pretty Polly" constantly
Y sabía contar hasta diez en español gracias a la sirvienta.
Could count up to 10 in Spanish, thanks to the servant.
Hasta un policía sabía contar hasta cinco.
Even a policeman could count up to five.
—Ninguno de los dos sabía contar hasta tanto.
Neither one of us could count high enough.
Ya sabía contar hasta mil, y también escribir los caracteres.
She could count to one thousand and write the characters, too.
—Tal vez Agronsky no sabía contar. ¿Usted sabe contar?
Maybe Agronsky could count. Can you?
Hasta entonces no se había percatado de que sabía contar hasta cuatro mil.
He had not realized until now that he could count to four thousand.
Chris sabía contar e incluso estaba avanzando muy bien con la lectura.
Chris could count and he was doing quite well at reading too.
Conocía las letras y sabía contar, se jactaba, hasta treinta y cinco.
He knew his letters and could count, by his own boast, to thirty-five.
Sabía contar hasta tres antes de cumplir, bueno, los tres. —Hizo una mueca—.
I could count to three before I was, well, three.’ He pulled a face.
Rescataba a un niño de un edificio en llamas y sabía contar hasta diez. ¿Te acuerdas, mamá?
He rescued a baby from a burning building and could count up to ten. Remember, Mama?
Lo vio contar bolas imaginarias, si es que sabía contar. —Los encontré.
She could see he was counting on imaginary fingers. If he could count at all. “I found ’em.
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