Translation for "roca fracturada" to english
Roca fracturada
Translation examples
Sobre el llano de roca fracturada se mueve una docena de hombres en trajes espaciales, como hormigas pululando sobre un montón de huesos. - Muerto - dices -. Un mundo cadáver.
A dozen other suited men are fanned out across the plain of fractured rock, like ants crawling on a bone pile. “Dead,” you say. “A corpse-world.”
Al instalarse allí la noche anterior, el aire estaba en calma absoluta y se podían oír los crujidos, chirridos y golpes del glaciar que se golpeaba contra los costados rasgados de las montañas que formaban sus orillas y se restregaba para abrirse camino por el gran lecho excavado de roca fracturada.
When they had first taken up station here during the previous night the air had been perfectly still and you could hear the cracks and creaks and booms of the glacier as it ground against the torn shoulders of the mountains that formed its banks and scoured its way across the great gouged bed of fractured rock beneath.
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