Translation for "resto de la ropa" to english
Resto de la ropa
Translation examples
rest of the clothes
El resto de la ropa fue arrojada a la basura junto al cadáver.
The rest of the clothes were thrown in the bin beside the corpse.
Nos llevaremos el resto de tu ropa.
We’ll take the rest of your clothes with us.”
El resto de su ropa siguió rápidamente.
The rest of her clothes quickly followed.
A lo mejor buscaba el resto de su ropa.
Maybe he was looking for the rest of his clothes.
—Yo colgaré el resto de la ropa, mamá —le dije.
‘I’ll hang the rest of the clothes, Momma,’ I’d said.
El delincuente se puso espontáneamente el resto de su ropa.
The criminal meanwhile spontaneously put on all the rest of the clothes.
Sus zapatos se quedan atrás con el resto de nuestra ropa
Her shoes are left behind with the rest of our clothes...
Echaron el resto de su ropa sobre los cojines cubiertos de piel de ante.
They tossed the rest of their clothing on to the elk-skin-covered cushions.
Puedes lavar el resto de tu ropa antes de irte.
You can do the rest of your clothes before you leave.
El resto de la ropa estaba tan sucia que no podía traicionarme.
The rest of my clothing was so blackened it couldn’t have betrayed me.
Ya le había quitado el resto de la ropa.
He had removed all her other clothes.
Escarba ahora en el resto de la ropa.
She is gone. lie roots through his other clothing.
En fin, supongo que así no estropeas el resto de tu ropa;
Still, I suppose it saves your other clothes — like wearing an overall.
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