Translation for "remarca" to english
Translation examples
Dicha Reunión remarcó que los Estados tienen perspectivas muy diferentes.
The meeting had highlighted that States had very different perspectives.
El último informe del Secretario General, de 6 de marzo del presente año, remarca el progreso del mandato de la Misión creada por el Consejo de Seguridad, cumpliendo así con todas las resoluciones pertinentes.
The latest report of the Secretary-General, issued on 6 March 2008, highlights the progress made in implementing the mandate of the Mission established by the Security Council and in fulfilling all the relevant resolutions.
Esta rutina remarca tus bonitas líneas.
This routine highlights your beautiful lines.
Y sólo remarca lo impersonal.... ...que es el lado de la habitación de Summer.
And it only highlights how impersonal Summer's side of the room is.
Remarco el primer golpe de percusión. Coloco 0.25 segundos... y los pego a los 0.125 segundos que es la mitad. Pego los 0.25 segundos otra vez.
If I highlight the first part of the percussion, 0.25 s put it, then paste .125 s, which is half, and then paste over 0.25 s, completed a second, and this rate should be.
¿Porqué remarcó estos nombres?
Why did she highlight these names?
Entonces esto va para Susan, que remarca lo importante.
Then it goes to Susan, who highlights the pertinents.
El semblante demacrado de Eddy se recortó un momento en la luz naranja, que remarcó sus pómulos salidos y negruzcos, y sus ojos hundidos.
Eddy’s gaunt face was briefly silhouetted by the orange light, which highlighted his blackened, hollowed cheeks and sunken eyes.
Nathan remarca con amable indiferencia cómo Paul le respeta.
Nathan remarks with kindly indifference how Paul thinks of him with respect.
Pero ese "pútrido" que remarcó, me dolió.
But that "putrid" remark really hurt.
"Dennings se remarca así, al pasar", dijo Sharon,
"'Dennings had remarked to him in passing, ' said Sharon,
Remarca su belleza, porque ella es tu perfecta visión
Remark upon her beauty for she's your perfect view
Un día la Reina remarcó:
One day the Queen remarked:
Lo remarcas diciéndome que estoy haciendo lo correcto.
You see, it's remarks like that that tell me I'm doing the right thing.
No sé cómo llegué sin un torrente sin fin de remarcas sarcásticas.
I don't know how I ever got by without an endless torrent of snarky remarks.
Ace siempre se lo remarcó.
Ace always remarked that with him.
Y en su post de Mosaico remarcó cómo de diferente era de su actual hogar en Georgetown.
And in her Mosaic post, she remarked how different that was from her current home in Georgetown.
remarco secamente Alberta. “Como sea.
remarked Alberta dryly. "Whatever.
—Él no es digno de mí —remarcó Magnus.
“He’s not worthy of me,” Magnus remarked.
—Espero que eso sea suficiente para ti —remarcó ella.
"Hope that's enough for you," she remarked.
– Fue una excelente maniobra -remarcó y se rió-.
"It was a good maneuver," he remarked and laughed.
–Esto no está muy lejos -remarcó Harvey, desilusionado.
"That's not very far," Harvey remarked, disappointed.
—Bien expresado, Rosemarie —remarcó Victor—.
"Articulate, Rosemarie," remarked Victor.
—Enviaste goblins y orcos —remarcó uno de ellos.
“You send goblins and orcs,” one of them remarked.
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