Translation for "readquirir" to english
Translation examples
Mediante este programa, los antiguos propietarios o sucesores morosos que ocupaban propiedades hipotecadas o adquiridas por el Fondo Pag-IBIG tienen la oportunidad de readquirir esas propiedades, al contado o a plazos.
655. Through this program, delinquent former owners or successors-in-interest occupying PagIBIG Fund foreclosed or acquired properties are given the opportunity to repurchase said properties, in either cash or installment basis.
El reclamante señaló que se vio obligado en consecuencia a readquirir sus existencias a precios más altos tras la liberación de Kuwait y que no pudo hacer recaer en el MPW el aumento del precio.
The claimant claimed that it was therefore forced to repurchase its stock following the liberation of Kuwait at higher rates, and it could not pass the price increase on to MPW.
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