Translation for "radionovela" to english
  • radio soap opera
Translation examples
radio soap opera
Alegaba ante sí mismo que leer sus mensajes era igual que encapricharse de la protagonista de una telenovela. De una radionovela.
He told himself it was like having a crush on a girl in a soap opera, a radio soap opera.
(Tengo que admitir que la frase «Quiero ampliar mis horizontes» la había oído hacía poco en una radionovela y se me había quedado grabada.
(I must confess that I’d heard the phrase “I wish to expand the prospects of my life” on a radio soap opera recently, and it had stayed with me.
En tales ocasiones —cuando la madre de Nancy tenía que estar en el trabajo y Nancy, en casa— una persona muy cascarrabias, la señora Codd, se sentaba a escuchar radionovelas, siempre dispuesta a echarnos de la cocina, donde se comía cuanto tuviera a mano.
At such times-when Nancy’s mother had to be at work and Nancy had to be at home-a grouchy person named Mrs. Codd sat listening to radio soap operas, ready to chase us out of the kitchen where she herself was eating anything on hand.
Ambos, ahora, unidos en su vieja costumbre de mantenerse al margen de las pasiones de otros, de ser pareja discreta, solitaria si fuese preciso, pero nunca sentenciada a participar en lo que pudo llamarse radionovela ayer, telenovela hoy, melodrama siempre.
Both of them, united in their old custom of remaining on the margins of other people’s passions, of being a discreet couple, one that was solitary if necessary but never condemned to participate in what would be called a radio soap opera yesterday, a TV soap opera today, and a melodrama always.
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