Translation for "que son científicos" to english
Que son científicos
  • who are scientists
Translation examples
who are scientists
Tengo unos amigos que son científicos, que lo desarrollaron para mí.
I have some friends who are scientists, they developed it for me.
Pero ¿qué puede hacer uno con esa gente erudita de los Balcanes que posee tal diversidad de intereses y de talento… que son científicos y filósofos y además historiadores y poetas, que han estudiado sánscrito y tamil y han dado conferencias sobre mitología en la Sorbona?
But what is one to do about the learned people from the Balkans who have such an endless diversity of interests and talents—who are scientists and philosophers and also historians and poets, who have studied Sanskrit and Tamil and lectured in the Sorbonne on mythology; who could, if closely questioned, tell you also about persons they had “known slightly”
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