Translation for "que sea ligera" to english
Que sea ligera
Translation examples
Turismos, autobuses ligeros y camiones/autobuses ligeros
Sedans, light buses and light trucks/buses
Vehículos ligeros: Sedanes, Jeeps ligeros y medianos, camiones ligeros y autobuses pequeños
Light vehicles: Sedans, light and medium Jeeps, light trucks and minibuses
Automóvil ligero
Car, light
Autobús ligero
Bus, light
Quería que ella le considerase ligero, ligero, ligero.
I wanted her to think of me as light, light, light.
Era ligera, demasiado ligera.
It was light, too light.
El maletín es ligero, demasiado ligero.
The briefcase is light. Too light.
He pensado en preparar algo ligero. —¿Ligero?
I thought that would be light.” “Light?”
Ligero, ligero como una lagartija, me repetía.
Light, light as a lizard, I repeated to myself.
Su nuevo cuerpo es ligero como una pluma, ligero como el aire.
Her new body is light as a feather, light as air.
Pero tuvo un sueño ligero.
But it was a light sleep.
Era una vigilancia ligera.
It was light surveillance.
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