Translation for "que recogieron" to english
Translation examples
No se recogieron datos a este nivel
Elementary Data not collected at this level
:: Se recogieron 110 armas
110 weapons were collected
En Albania, se recogieron y destruyeron unas 14.000 armas y en la República del Congo se recogieron y destruyeron otras 10.000.
In Albania, some 14,000 weapons were collected and destroyed, and 10,000 weapons were collected and destroyed in the Republic of the Congo.
No se recogieron muestras durante la expedición.
No samples were collected during the cruise.
12. a) ¿En qué año se recogieron los datos? _
12. (a) In which year were the data collected? _.
8. a) ¿En qué año se recogieron los datos? _.
8. (a) In which year were the data collected? _.
Por lo tanto, no se recogieron armas
Therefore, no weapons were collected
Se recogieron nódulos de manganeso con dragas.
Manganese nodules were collected in dredges.
:: Se recogieron 6.945 piezas de munición
6,945 pieces of ammunition were collected
No se recogieron datos
Not collected
Recogieron a las compañeras que les esperaban y se fueron.
They collected their waiting mates and left.
Se levantaron y recogieron sus cosas.
They got up to go and collected their things.
Saltaron a tierra y recogieron los frutos de los árboles.
Here they landed and collected fruits to eat.
Ambos recogieron apresuradamente el equipo. –Deprisa.
They quickly collected their equipment. “Let’s hurry.
Tras levantarse, recogieron los diversos objetos.
They stood up and collected a miscellany of things.
Recogieron suficientes fragmentos como para determinar que es lo más probable.
‘They collected enough weight to make it likely.’
Recogieron conchas y lanzaron guijarros al océano.
They collected shells and threw pebbles into the ocean.
Lenta, penosamente, se recogieron los diez dólares.
Slowly, painfully, the ten dollars was collected.
Y me pregunto qué pasó con todos los datos que recogieron.
And I was wondering what happened to all that data they collected.
Bajaron a la cabina y recogieron los comestibles… que eran muchos.
    They went down into the cabin. They collected all the food-and there was quite a lot!
El hombre al que recogieron iba a una casa del lado oeste.
The man they collected was driven to the Upper East Side.
Nunca volvió, así que recogieron sus cosas.
He never came back, so they collected his things.
Mientras que recogieron individuos con superpoderes, armas alienígenas ganado, bases Construido en prácticamente todos los continentes .
While they collected super-powered individuals, Garnered alien weapons, Built bases on virtually every continent.
Tal vez sea con toda la otra evidencia que recogieron.
Maybe it's with all the other evidence they collected.
Es el total de las pruebas que recogieron en la habitación de hotel en la que encontraron a la hija de la Detective Ortega.
It's the sum total of the evidence they collected from the hotel room where Detective Ortega's daughter was found.
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