Translation for "que esta vivo" to english
Que esta vivo
Translation examples
what is alive
Como si necesitara que siguieran vivos para seguir escribiendo. Necesidad de escribir sobre algo vivo, bajo el peligro de lo vivo, no en la tranquilidad que procura la muerte de la gente, devuelta a la inmaterialidad de los seres ficticios.
I wanted physical, tangible proof of their existence, as if to continue writing I needed them to be alive, as if I needed to be writing about what is alive, to be endangered in the way one is when writing about the living and not in the state of tranquility that prevails when people die and are consigned to the immateriality of fictional characters.
Por esas mismas fechas yo había visto una exposición de Van Gogh, cuadros suyos y de sus contemporáneos comentados con palabras de él, y me sorprendió una observación en una carta a su hermano: «Lo que está vivo en el arte, y eternamente vivo, es en primer lugar el pintor y, en segundo lugar, la pintura». Phelps habría estado de acuerdo.
I had, around this time, seen a van Gogh exhibition, paintings of his and his contemporaries discussed in his own words, and was struck by his saying, in a letter to his brother, What is alive in art, and eternally alive, is in the first place the painter and in the second place the picture. Phelps would agree.
Kabashi agregó que estaba vivo de casualidad ("afortunadamente todavía estoy vivo") y mantuvo su decisión de no testificar.
Kabashi added that he was still alive only by chance ("fortunately, I am still alive") and remained determined in his decision not to testify.
A todo niño nacido vivo se le asignará:
630. A child born alive shall be assigned:
Es necesario mantener vivo este impulso.
We have to keep this momentum alive.
a) 15 días a partir de la fecha de nacimiento, si el niño nace vivo y sigue vivo;
(a) 15 days from the date of birth, for the child born alive and still alive;
Mantengamos vivo este diálogo.
Let us keep this dialogue alive and lively.
Padre vivo
Father alive
Al segundo atacante lo encontraron y lo quemaron vivo.
The second assailant was found and burned alive.
No basta simplemente con mantener vivo al animal.
It is not enough simply to keep the animal alive.
No se ha encontrado a nadie vivo.
Nobody was found alive.
Creímos todo el tiempo que Christos estaba vivo.
We believed throughout that Christos was alive.
El grupo tiene una historia y un propósito que esta vivo en cada uno, en este círculo.
The Group has a history and a purpose that is alive in everyone in this circle.
Todo lo que esta vivo debe morir, y usted tambien.
Everything that is alive must die, and you will too.
Norman está vivo, vivo, vivo
Norman is alive, alive, alive--Claiborne
Estaba vivo, pero no estaba vivo.
He was alive but he was not alive.
—Sigo vivo, sigo vivo, sigo vivo...
“Still alive, still alive, still alive…”
Vivo. ¡El tipo estaba vivo!
Alive. The bloody man was alive!
—¿Vivo? —Claro que está vivo.
       "Alive?"        "Of course he's alive.
»“¡Estás vivo, Azriel, estás vivo!”.
You’re alive, Azriel, you are alive!
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