Translation for "que es roma" to english
Que es roma
  • what is rome
  • that is rome
Translation examples
that is rome
Nueva York/Roma/Malta/Roma/
New York/Rome/Malta/Rome/
Nueva York/Roma/Malta/Roma/Nueva York
New York/Rome/Malta/Rome/New York
Roma/Nueva York/Roma
Rome/New York/Rome
Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (Roma, 1998)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Rome, 1998
Un joven ingenuo arrojado al cruel circo que es Roma.
A naive youth thrown into the cruel circus that is Rome.
Me ha enviado a ver la belleza que es Roma.
He has sent me to see the beauty that is Rome.
–Estaba contra Roma y Roma estaba contra él.
He was against Rome and Rome was against him.
¡Pues que está en Roma! ¿Roma?
Oh, no, they say, he’s in Rome! Rome?
Roma —dijo. —Soy Ambigüedad, Roma.
Rome,” be said. “This is Ambiguity, Rome.”
Porque Roma es Italia. Y Roma crece.
For Rome is Italia. And Rome grows.
—Debía de estar en Roma o cerca de Roma.
It would be in Rome or near Rome.
La razón es Roma y Roma es razonable.
Reason is Rome and Rome is reasonable.
Baciato era Roma y Roma era Baciato.
Batiatus was Rome and Rome was Batiatus.
La prueba de que Roma es Roma y siempre lo será.
Proof that Rome is Rome and ever will be.
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