Translation for "que era clérigo" to english
Que era clérigo
  • what was cleric
  • a clergyman
Translation examples
a clergyman
Visitó Maticane, lugar donde se había producido una matanza, y se reunió con un clérigo ortodoxo serbio en Kosovo Polje.
She visited a massacre site at Maticane and met with a Serbian Orthodox clergyman in Kosovo Polje.
Según la capacidad técnica del centro de que se trate, podrá haber entre su personal un clérigo debidamente autorizado por la iglesia (art. 94).
Depending on the technical capabilities of the establishment in question, its staff may include a clergyman, duly authorized by the church (art. 94).
La mayoría de los Estados admiten que el celebrante sea un clérigo o un juez de paz u otro funcionario judicial.
Most states permit the wedding to be performed by either a clergyman or by a justice of the peace or other judicial officer.
El autor es cristiano y vive en una aldea a unos 10 km de Barisal City (Bangladesh), donde su padre fue clérigo.
2.1 The complainant is a Christian and lived in a village about 10 km from Barisal City, Bangladesh, where his father worked as a clergyman.
El Relator Especial transmitió además una denuncia relativa a cuatro personas, entre ellas un clérigo, linchadas el 13 de noviembre de 1996 en Momstenango, Totonicapan.
The Special Rapporteur also transmitted an allegation to the Government of Guatemala on behalf of four persons, including a clergyman, killed on 13 November 1996 by a mob in Momstenango, Totonicapan.
d) Ivo Tomasevic (identificado en documentos recientes como clérigo, ostentando el mismo título de Ilustrísimo que Puljic);
(d) Ivo Tomasevic (in later documents identified as a clergyman with the same honorific (His Highness) as Puljic);
Se prefiere el diálogo a otras formas de resolución de conflictos (como la mediación familiar o la intervención de un clérigo).
Dialogue is preferred to other forms of dispute resolution (such as family mediation or the intervention of a clergyman).
63. Con respecto a otros grupos religiosos, en Mazandaran se halló en circunstancias sospechosas, el cadáver de Mohammad Bagher Yussefi, un clérigo protestante.
With regard to other religious groups, the body of a Protestant clergyman, Mohammad Bagher Yussefi, was found in suspicious circumstances in Mazandaran.
Si lo piden esas personas, pueden ser visitadas por un clérigo para que lleve a cabo ceremonias religiosas.
At their personal request, these persons may be visited by a clergyman to perform religious rituals.
—Y ese clérigo…, pero ¿era realmente clérigo?
‘That clergyman - was he a clergyman?’
—Un clérigo ya mayor.
 "Elderly clergyman."
—A la hermana de un clérigo.
“To a clergyman’s sister,”
Para un clérigo, no hay excusas.
For a clergyman, there are no excuses.
—masculló el clérigo—.
the clergyman muttered.
Y vieron a un clérigo, un fornido clérigo, que llevaba una valla, una valla con hojas.
And they saw a clergyman, a strapping clergyman, carrying a hurdle, a leafy hurdle.
Es la hija de un clérigo.
She is a clergyman’s daughter.’
—¡Un clérigo! —estaba repitiendo—.
‘A clergyman!’ she was repeating.
—Soy clérigo, señor.
“I am a clergyman, sir.”
Por allí no se veía a clérigo alguno.
No clergyman was visible.
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