Translation for "que amaba" to english
Translation examples
2.3 Durante el interrogatorio, el autor reconoció que las relaciones con la familia de su esposa no eran muy buenas pero que amaba a su mujer.
2.3 Under cross-examination, the author admitted that his relations with his wife's family were poor but contended that he loved his wife.
El Rey Hassan amaba la libertad.
King Hassan was a person who loved freedom.
Amaba profundamente a su país y a su pueblo.
He deeply loved his country and people.
A su vez, el pueblo chino le amaba profundamente.
The Chinese people in turn loved him deeply.
No cabe duda de que Malta ha perdido a un gran estadista que amaba a su país.
Malta has indeed lost a true statesman who loved his country dearly.
Todos lamentaremos su pérdida, en especial mi país, que lo amaba y que tenía firmes lazos de cooperación con él.
We shall all feel the loss, in particular, my country, which loved him and which had strong ties of cooperation with him.
Él hablaba directa y honestamente de las cosas que amaba en su trabajo y en su vida, y se dedicó intensamente a ellas.
He spoke directly and honestly of the things he loved in his work and life, and he gave richly to both.
Esas madres escriben libros en que recogen sus memorias para que sus hijos tengan algo tangible que les recuerde que un día hubo alguien que los amaba.
The mothers make memory books so that their children will have something to touch and hold and remind them that once upon a time there was someone who loved them.
Fue un gran líder del pueblo, amaba al pueblo profundamente y se dedicó plenamente a él.
He was a great leader of the people who loved the people most deeply and devoted his all to them.
Amaba la libertad para su propio pueblo, que disfrutaba de una democracia multipartidista, pero además la amaba tanto que prestó su apoyo a aquellos que carecían de libertad.
He loved freedom not only for his own people, who enjoyed multi-party democracy; he so loved freedom that he supported those in need of freedom.
Era yo que amaba a las mujeres, ¿o era al revés?
Was it me that loved the women or was it the other way round
Recuerdo el día que él estaba sentado en la silla llorando, pues tenía que dejar lo que amaba...
I remember the day that he was sat down on the seat Ilorando, because he/she had that to leave Io that loved...
La verdad es que amaba a tu padre y aún lo hago y tú fuiste el fruto de ese amor.
The truth is, that I loved your father, and I still do, and you were created from that love.
Queríamos ofrecerle algo distinto... a la gente que amaba sus mascotas y buscaba dónde enterrarlas.
But the idea that we needed the concept... for the people that loved their pets, and needed a place for them.
Seguía siendo un tipo que amaba la vida.
He's still a guy that loved life.
Pasé mi vida amando a una mujer que amaba a otro que no la amaba a ella sino a otra de la que nunca supo si le correspondía.
I spent my life loving a woman that loved another man, who did not love her but another woman who he was never sure loved him back.
Había un príncipe en un país vecino que... amaba a la princesa sirena... mientras que ella amaba a otro hombre.
There was a prince in a nearby country that loved the mermaid prince while she loved another man.
- No creo que sea cierto. Creo que la parte de ti que amaba a Malini está profundamente oculta.
I think the part of you that loved Malini is deeply hidden.
Me pareció que la peor parte de todo esto fue olvidando la gente que amaba, o las personas que me querían.
I thought the worst part about this whole thing was forgetting the people I loved, or the people that loved me.
Sólo soy una mujer que amaba a un hombre pero la casa de nuestro amor estaba construída sobre arena.
¡Ella me amaba y yo la amaba!
She loved me and I loved her!
Y yo la amaba, yo la amaba;
And I loved her, I loved her;
Ella me amaba, yo no la amaba a ella.
She loved me, I did not love her.
¡Me amaba! En ese momento supe que me amaba como yo la amaba a ella.
She loved me! I knew then that she loved me, as I loved her.
La mujer a quien amaba lo amaba a él.
The woman he loved loved him.
No amaba a nadie, amaba a todos.
He loved no one, he loved everyone.
Él amaba a Mescal, ella le amaba a él;
He loved Mescal, she loved him;
- Pensaste que amaba a Betty.
- You thought he loved Betty.
A la mujer que amaba.
The woman he loved.
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