Translation for "puré de papas" to english
Puré de papas
Translation examples
Y puré de papas con mantequilla.
“And mashed potatoes with butter.”
—Quiero puré de papas y arvejas.
I want mashed potato with peas.
—… puré de papas, papas cortadas, papas rellenas…
mashed potato, chipped potato, stuffed potato—
Roast-beef poco cocido, como a él le gustaba, puré de papas y pudding de Yorkshire.
Roast beef rare, the way he liked it, mashed potatoes and Yorkshire pudding.
El tipo regresa con el pollo y un plato de puré de papas. Es mucha comida.
The guy comes back with the chicken and a plate of mashed potatoes. It’s a lot of food.
—recogí la mezcla del jugo de la carne y el puré de papas con un pedazo de bolillo.
I sopped up the mix of juice from the meat and mashed potatoes with a piece of bread.
Pedí hígado frito con cebolla, puré de papas, budín de zapallo, y café;
I ordered fried liver and onions, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and coffee;
Les sirvieron pechugas de pollo a la Maryland, puré de papas, ensalada de verduras, leche y manzanas.
They were served chicken breasts Maryland, mashed potatoes, salad greens, milk, and apples.
Frente a mi indiferencia, Lola se pone a jugar con el puré de papas. La miro de reojo.
Faced with my indifference, Lola starts playing with her mashed potatoes. I look at her out of the corner of my eye.
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