Translation examples
Los provocaste, Tom.
You provoked 'em, Tom.
La provocaste deliberadamente.
You deliberately provoked her.
- Tú los provocaste.
- You provoked them people.
Porque le provocaste.
Because you provoked him.
—¿Por qué me provocaste con Robert?
Why did you deliberately provoke me with Robert?
Al fin y al cabo, tú le provocaste. – ¿Yo qué?
Anyway, you provoked him.’ ‘I what?
Desearía que este pequeño drama no fuera necesario, pero me provocaste.
How I wish this little drama was not necessary, but you provoked me.
—Se dice por ahí que tú provocaste a Deudermont desde el principio —insistió Baram.
“Word’s out that you provoked Deudermont from the start,” Baram insisted.
Provocaste de manera deliberada al jefe de policía y te arrestaron. Hace unas cuantas horas.
You deliberately provoked the chief and got yourself arrested. Several hours ago.
Parto pronto para la batalla y he venido a perdonarte por el acto impío que provocaste en mí.
I leave for battle soon, and I have come to forgive you for the unholy deed that you provoked from me.
—Sabes, querida, no acierto a descifrar la causa de tu malhumor de esta mañana. —Me provocaste.
“You know, my dear, it quite escapes me, the cause of your ill humor this morning.” “You provoked me.”
No sé cómo lo has hecho, pero no me cabe la menor duda de que provocaste el incidente. -Miró a Joseph-.
You win. I don’t know how it was done but I’ve no doubt you provoked this incident somehow.” He turned to Joseph.
El caso es que no lo hizo, pero tú le tentaste para que utilizara sus poderes y la transformara en una vampiro. No lo niegues. Le provocaste.
He didn't, as it turned out, but you were tempting him, goading him to use his power, to bring her over. Don't deny it. You provoked him.
Me provocaste. Y me embaucaste. Tus ojos, esos ojos mutantes y extraños, que son en apariencia tan sinceros, mienten sin cesar… Y embaucan.
You provoked me. And beguiled me. Your eyes, those strange, mutated eyes, so apparently sincere, endlessly wander … and beguile.
¿De verdad te provocaste un infarto?
You actually induced a heart attack, Madeline?
—Pero ¿con qué provocaste la cólera de la prensa, que hasta entonces te había tratado de forma amistosa?
But what did you do to elicit the fury of a press that, up to that point, had behaved fairly amicably toward you?
Me provocaste para que tuviéramos una discusión pública que aumentara tus ventas.
You've been goading me so that we'd have a public feud to fuel the sales of your book.
Tú lo provocaste ¿cierto?
You goaded him, didn't you?
Lucy clavó en su hija una mirada de reproche. —La provocaste.
Lucy fixed her daughter with a reproachful glance. “You goaded her.
—Tú lo provocaste para obligarlo a ponerse al descubierto, tú diste con su contraseña, lo que nos permitió acceder a su ordenador y averiguar qué se proponía.
You goaded him out into the open, you were the one who figured out his password so we could crack his computer and find out what he was going to do.
—Si crees que eso era una emergencia, deberías haber visto la tormenta de nieve que desataste en el valle con tu estupidez y los huracanes que provocaste en el Mar del Este, eso sin mencionar los vientos y tornados que enviaste al resto del mundo.
If you thought that was an emergency, you should have seen the blizzard you touched off in the Vale with your foolishness -and the hurricanes it spawned in the Sea of the East- not to mention the droughts and tornadoes you kicked up all over the world.
No hacía falta que te pelearas con él. Lo provocaste. —Me encogí de hombros. —¿No? —preguntó Susan.
You didn't have to fight him. You needled him into it." I shrugged. "Didn't you?" Susan said.
Quítatelo de encima. Ticknor dio un largo trago. —Maldición, Rachel. Es el mejor que encontramos. De hecho, tú lo provocaste con lo de la cerveza.
Get rid of him.” Ticknor took a big drink of his martini. “Rachel, damn it. He’s the best around at what we need. You did needle him about the beer. Be reasonable, Rachel.”
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