Translation for "prometida" to english
Translation examples
La prometida de Joe.
Joe's fiancee.
Daphne, mi prometida.
Daphne, my fiancee.
Mi prometida, Sarah.
My fiancee, Sarah.
Mi prometida fue...
My fiancee was...
Oh, "mi prometida".
Ooh, "my fiancee!"
- Es mi prometida.
- She's my fiancee.
Era la prometida de Adam.
This was Adam’s fiancee.
—Y ésta es mi prometida, Debbie.
And this is my fiancee, Debbie,
su prometida y su baúl.
his fiancee and his trunk.
William también tiene una prometida… o lo que sea.
William also has a fiancee — or whatever.
Willow debe de ser su prometida.
Willow must be his fiancee.
—No estoy prometido —dice—. No voy a casarme.
“I don’t have a fiancee.”
–Tu adorable prometida. –Estás bromeando.
    'Your adorable fiancee.'     'You're kidding.'
—Esta persona es mi prometida, mamá. Es…
This person is my fiancee, Mother.  She is --
—Sí, soy la prometida de Glenn Kilbourne.
"Yes, I'm Glenn Kilbourne's fiancee.
Prometida no oficial —corrigió Adam—.
“Unofficial fiancee,” Adam offered the correction.
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