Translation for "proa de barco" to english
Proa de barco
Translation examples
ship's bow
Leo miró por encima de la proa del barco.
Leo peered over the ship’s bow.
La proa del barco se desvió veinte grados a estribor.
The ship's bow went twenty degrees to starboard: .
En el último instante, la proa del barco se movió apenas algo más hacia estribor.
At the last instant, the ship’s bow moved slightly more to starboard.
La paleta que se extendía alrededor de la proa del barco era de un blanco sucio.
In a fan-shaped pattern stretching around the ship's bow, the coral was uniformly tinted a dull white.
Pese a que la proa del barco estaba orientada hacia ellos, tardó una eternidad en acercarse.
Despite the fact that the ship's bow was toward them, it seemed to take an eternity to draw nearer.
Esta maniobra era el último recurso, una manera brutal de forzar la proa del barco contra el viento.
Club hauling was the last resort, a brute way of forcing the ship’s bow against the wind.
Un oficial y un marinero con charreteras distintivas charlaban en la proa del barco, inclinados sobre un motor de cobre.
An officer and a sailor with distinctive epaulettes conferred at the ship’s bow, huddled over a brass engine.
Thomas se detiene frente a la proa del barco, y Minerva enciende la vela y se pone a cantar una letanía.
Thomas pulls to a stop at the ship’s bow, and Minerva lights the candle and begins to chant.
Durnik había conducido a los asustados caballos a la proa del barco, donde había menos agua.
Durnik had herded the wild-eyed horses forward, and they were bunched together in the ship's bow where the water was the shallowest.
La proa del barco mercante se deslizó seis o siete metros antes del primer chirrido metálico.
Twenty feet of the cargo ship’s bow slipped past before the first grinding squeal of scraping metal.
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