Translation for "presentar el caso" to english
Presentar el caso
  • present the case
Translation examples
present the case
b) No se hubiere notificado la demanda con antelación razonable para que el demandado pudiera presentar su caso en condiciones debidas;
(b) Reasonable advance notice of the claim to enable the defendant to present his case under appropriate conditions was not given;
No se le dio la oportunidad de presentar su caso ante el Parlamento antes de que se adoptaran medidas contra ella.
She was not given any opportunity to present her case in parliament before action was taken against her.
b) No se le haya dado a la parte contra la que se dicte la sentencia la posibilidad de presentar su caso en condiciones equitativas;
(b) Where the party against whom the judgement was pronounced was not given a fair opportunity to present his case; or
iv) Permita que los reclamantes tengan plena oportunidad de presentar su caso.
Enables the claimants to be accorded full opportunity to present their case.
Éste fue el último de los cuatro coacusados en presentar su caso.
This was the last of the four co-Accused to present his case.
, imponen una carga considerable sobre la acusación con respecto a la forma en que presentará el caso, a la vez que le otorgan el control correspondiente.
place a substantial burden on and corresponding control in the prosecution with respect to how it will present its case.
El Servicio de Adquisiciones ya había concluido las negociaciones y estaba en proceso de presentar el caso al Comité de Contratos de la Sede para su examen.
The Procurement Service had since concluded the negotiations and was in the process of presenting the case to the Headquarters Committee on Contracts for review.
El asesor letrado de Londres, sin embargo, sostuvo que no había fundamento para presentar el caso ante el Comité Judicial.
Counsel in London, however, advised that there was no merit in presenting the case to the Judicial Committee.
La facultad de iniciar actuaciones está en manos del fiscal, quien presentará el caso ante el tribunal competente.
Meanwhile, the authority to prosecute is in the hands of the public prosecutor who will present the case to the relevant court.
b) Si el demandado no tuvo preaviso razonable y oportunidad de presentar su caso debidamente;
(b) where the defendant was not given reasonable notice and a fair opportunity to present his case; or
Presentaré el caso ante mi equipo, esta misma mañana.
I'm presenting the case to our team this morning.
Señor, me gustaría presentar el caso de mi cliente.
Sir, I would like to present the case of my client.
Sí, estoy a punto de presentar el caso al equipo.
Yeah, I'm about to present the case to the team.
Está presente hoy en la corte para presentar el caso.
He is in court today to present the case.
Kevin Lynch va a presentar el caso.
Kevin Lynch will be presenting the case.
Foreman no puede presentar el caso en la conferencia.
Foreman can't present the case at the MM.
Podrías presentar el caso de principio a fin.
You could present the case from beginning to end.
Me corresponde presentar el caso a los tribunales.
It is for me to present the case to the courts.
Uh, yo estoy aquí para presentar el caso.
Uh, I am here to present the case.
Y si dejamos a la Dr. Lockhart presentar el caso?
Why don't we let Dr. Lockhart present the case?
Se me debe permitir presentar mi caso.
I am allowed to present my case.
Todo lo que puedo hacer es presentar tu caso.
All I can do is present your case.
Mi trabajo es presentar el caso de ustedes ante el tribunal.
My job is to present your case to the tribunal.
Tiene mi permiso para presentar el caso a toda Aurora.
You are welcome to present your case to all Aurora.
– Percey… No van a presentar el caso contra Hansen en el gran jurado.
“Percey… They won’t be presenting the case against Hansen to the grand jury.”
Esta mujer iba a presentar su caso ante el Comité de Washington;
This woman was going to have to present his case before her committee in Washington;
De modo que ya ves, no hay nadie para presentar el caso de la libertad corsa en París.
So you see, there's no one to present the case for Corsican liberty in Paris.'
Y por cierto que les presté un buen servicio a los de Damasco, al presentar su caso tan lúcidamente ante ti.
And certainly I did the Damascenes a good service in presenting their case so lucidly to you.
De hecho va a presentar un caso de sexualidad infantil en Clark la semana próxima. —¿De veras?
In fact, he is presenting a case of infantile sexuality at Clark next week.' 'Really?
—Bueno, el estado, en este caso la fiscalía, es quien debe demostrar la culpabilidad del acusado, de modo que presentará el caso en primer lugar.
Well, the State has the burden of proving guilt, so it must present its case first.
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