Translation for "preparándolos" to english
Translation examples
Llevaba años preparándolos para aquello.
He had spent years preparing them for this.
Nos hemos pasado varios años preparándolos;
For several years we have been preparing them;
También estaba ocupado con sus armas, preparándolas para su uso instantáneo.
He was also busy with his weapons, preparing them for instant use.
Cuadrillas de robot trabajaban en las naves de larga distancia, preparándolas para su partida.
Machine crews worked the long-distance craft, preparing them for departure.
Les llegaba ya su olor directo, y el rastro del sudor los enloquecía, preparándolos para la matanza.
they had picked up his direct scent, the trail of undried sweat maddening them, preparing them for the kill.
—A poca distancia —dijo Issib, quien partía huevos frescos sobre la tostada, preparándolos para el horno.
"A short trip," said Issib, who was breaking raw eggs over his toast, preparing them for the oven.
A veces pensaba que estaba pasando la mayor parte de su vida adulta leyendo informes o preparándolos. – De acuerdo, veamos.
He thought sometimes that he was spending the majority of his adult life either reading reports or preparing them. 'Okay, let's see.
Pese a que la oscuridad ya había caído, la hechicera se hallaba en la peligrosa selva, entrenando a sus jóvenes protegidas y preparándolas para ataques suicidas.
Even in the late darkness, the chief Sorceress was out in the dangerous jungles, training her young proteges and preparing them for suicide attacks.
Al ingresar son atendidos por los especialistas del área psicosocial y médica, a fin de ser integrados al área pedagógica y vocacional preparándolos para su reinserción social.
On arrival they are examined by psycho-social and medical specialists so that they may be prepared, through appropriate educational and vocational services, for reintegration into society.
La educación cumple un papel doble: reproducir determinados aspectos de la sociedad actual y preparar a los alumnos para transformar la sociedad, preparándola para el futuro.
21. Education plays a dual role, at once both reproducing certain aspects of current society and preparing students to transform society for the future.
También se dice que prueba la capacidad de una mujer para sobrellevar el dolor y define los papeles futuros en la vida y el matrimonio, preparándola para los dolores del parto.
It is said also to test a woman's ability to bear pain and defines her future roles in life and marriage while preparing her for the pain of childbirth.
Seis Estados han preparado la nota y un total de 85 Estados están preparándola.
Six States have completed the country strategy note and a total of 85 States are in the process of preparing it.
- 7 países comunicaron que no tenían ningún plan y 19 (27%) están preparándolos.
7 countries reported having no plan in place and 19 (27 per cent) countries are preparing the plans;
Están... preparándolo ahora.
They are preparing for me now.
Vigilando a Alex, preparándolo.
Watching Alex, preparing.
Llevo tres años preparándolo.
Three years of preparations.
Ya deben estar preparandolo.
They're preparing him.
Preparándole para el transporte.
Preparing to transport.
Está ocupado preparándolo
He's busy preparing for it.
Estamos preparándola, y tendrá lugar de un momento a otro.
It is in immediate preparation.
Toro llevaba semanas preparándolo.
Toro had been preparing for weeks.
Le acaricio el trasero una vez más, preparándome. Preparándola a ella.
I stroke her ass once more, preparing myself. Preparing her.
Había equipos preparándola en aquellos mismos instantes.
Teams were preparing it even now.
Sus hijas la estaban lavando, preparándola para el funeral.
Her daughters were washing her, preparing her for the funeral.
¡El Rey Dios estaba preparándola con las almas de tu linaje!
The God King was preparing it with the souls of your bloodline!
Empezaba a oscurecer y estaban preparándolo todo para encender las lámparas.
It was the hour of dusk, when preparations are made to light the lamps.
Benny vio que estaba preparándolo todo para servir la comida.
Benny saw her preparing to put the meal on the table.
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