Translation for "poco antes de morir" to english
Poco antes de morir
  • shortly before dying
  • shortly before his death
Translation examples
shortly before dying
Podía quedar satisfecho el padre Mateo, porque Gógol poco antes de morir había abjurado de la literatura;
Father Matthew could be satisfied that Gogol shortly before dying had renounced literature;
Luego pensó, además, que cada una de las últimas tres víctimas había hablado con él poco antes de morir.
Then he thought too that each of the last three victims had spoken to him shortly before dying.
Poco antes de morir, dijo el pintor, y lo dijo como si el hecho de haber muerto fuese algo ajeno a ambos, pinté esta misma estampa, lo que estamos viendo.
Shortly before dying,” the painter said, and he said it as if the fact of having died were alien to them both, “I painted this very scene, the one we are seeing now.
Los otros dos pagos insinuaban que poco antes de morir, Marlasca había tenido tratos con un taller de escultura funeraria y con algún turbio personaje del Somorrostro, tratos que se habían traducido en una gran cantidad de dinero cambiando de manos.
The other two payments suggested that shortly before dying Marlasca had been in touch with a stonemason’s workshop and with some murky character from the Somorrostro district, dealings that had translated into a large amount of money changing hands.
shortly before his death
En junio de 1905, poco antes de morir, concedió una corta entrevista desde Montreal.
In June 1905, shortly before his death, he granted a rare interview from Montreal.
-Poco antes de morir la vi con una persona.
Shortly before his death, I saw someone.
Pero poco antes de morir, llamó por teléfono al sobrecargo... y solicitó una lista del grupo del Dr. Suderman.
But shortly before his death, he telephoned the purser... and requested a list of Dr. Suderman's party.
Poco antes de morir, Einstein hizo uso de la palabra por última vez y dio a conocer al mundo la tragedia del científico moderno.
Shortly before his death, Einstein raised his voice for the last time to tell the world of the tragedy of a modern scientist.
La escribió poco antes de morir.
He wrote it shortly before his death.
Poco antes de morir, Sr. Foster, mi marido... expresó reservas acerca de su organización.
Shortly before his death, Mr. Foster, my husband... expressed reservations about your organization.
Escribió este libro poco antes de morir en 1 690, en este estudio.
He wrote this book sometime shortly before his death in the year 1 690, in this study.
Aldous Huxley, autor de Un Mundo Feliz"", y hermano de Julián Huxley," en 1962 poco antes de morir, dio un discurso en la Universidad De Berkeley.
Aldous Huxley, author of 'Brave New World', and brother of Julian Huxley, - gave a speech at Berkeley in 1962 shortly before his death.
Berlin reconoció, poco antes de morir, que no resultaba necesario.
Berlin admitted, shortly before his death, that this wasn’t necessary.
Como todo ahorcado, conoció los detalles poco antes de morir.
Like all the hanged, he learned the details shortly before his death.
Pearson, Michael X, hizo el amor poco antes de morir.
Pearson, Michael X., made love shortly before his death.
Poco antes de morir, hizo el amor. —¿Cómo lo sabe?
He made love shortly before his death.” “How do you know that?”
Poco antes de morir, vendió acciones, obligaciones y papel de Estado por valor de un millón de dólares aproximadamente.
Shortly before his death, he cashed in securities to the tune of about a million dollars.
–y lo habrían conseguido -dijo Kenner-, a no ser por la lista que George Morton obtuvo poco antes de morir.
"And they would have succeeded," Kenner said, "except for that list George Morton obtained shortly before his death."
Por desgracia todos los esfuerzos por localizarlo han sido en vano, y la verdad es que existen motivos para creer que lo destruyó poco antes de morir.
Unfortunately, extensive efforts to locate this journal failed, and, in fact, there is reason to believe he destroyed it shortly before his death.
Detuvo la acuñación de monedas de oro y rebajó el valor de las de plata, como su padre había hecho poco antes de morir.
She issued no new gold coins and debased the silver, as her father had done shortly before his death.
En 1856, poco antes de morir, lord Ellesmere donó la pintura a la nueva National Portrait Gallery de Londres en calidad de obra fundacional.
In 1856, shortly before his death, Lord Ellesmere gave the painting to the new National Portrait Gallery in London as its founding work.
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