Translation for "perceptividad" to english
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De lo contrario, la felicito por su perceptividad.
On the contrary, I congratulate you on your perceptiveness.
Se daba cuenta de que poseía una perceptividad y una inteligencia muy superiores a las suyas, pero ella nunca adoptaba aires protectores.
He real ized that she possessed a perceptiveness and an intellect that was quite beyond him, but she never patronized him.
No era que subestimara la perceptividad de su madre —raramente lo hacía—, pero, como siempre, le fastidiaba que ella las expresara antes de que tuviera oportunidad de manifestarlas él mismo.
It was not that he underestimated his mother’s perceptions-he rarely did that-but, as always, he was annoyed when she verbalized them before he had the chance to state them himself.
Dándose cuenta de esta momentánea perceptividad en sí mismo, una perceptividad basada en poderes de raciocinio no conocidos, se preguntó Jimmy cuántas otras habilidades de esta clase habían muerto desde que el hombre empezara a cultivar su intelecto y si, especialmente, el creciente estudio intenso del hombre como una unidad psicosomática no había estropeado —como el rayo de sol que apaga el fuego de un emparrillado— esos mismos delicados efectos que trataba de investigar.
Becoming aware of this momentary perceptiveness in himself, a perceptiveness based on no acknowledged powers of reason, Jimmy asked himself how many other such abilities had died out since man began to cultivate his intellect, and whether, especially, the increasingly intense study of man as a psychosomatic unity had not—like the sunbeam which puts out a fire in a grate—damped down those same delicate effects it had set out to investigate.
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