Translation for "pelearon" to english
Translation examples
Anoche se pelearon.
Last night you quarreled.
¿Ustedes dos pelearon?
Did two of you quarrel?
Después se pelearon.
And then you quarreled.
Se pelearon con Susie?
They quarreled with Susie?
¿Quiere decir que pelearon?
You mean they quarreled?
No se pelearon, señor.
They did not quarrel, sir.
- ¿Pelearon por eso?
- That was cause of quarrel?
—Porque pelearon entre ellos.
They quarrelled amongst themselves.
Se pelearon por el camino.
On the way they quarrelled.
¿Significa eso que se pelearon?
Does that mean they quarrelled?
—¿Se pelearon ustedes?
“You had a quarrel?”
Tal vez se pelearon.
Maybe they quarrelled.
Gregory y Esther se pelearon.
He and Esther quarreled.
Afortunadamente se pelearon en eslovaco;
Fortunately, they were quarreling in Slovak;
Tagore y yo. —¿Por qué se pelearon?
Tagore and I.' 'What did you quarrel about?'
- ¿Se pelearon? - No.
Did you have a row?
¿Ella y Alison pelearon?
So... her and Alison had a row?
El último día, Jack y el director se pelearon.
And on the last day, Jack and the director has this huge row.
En realidad, se pelearon la noche-
Actually, they had a big row the night...
La noche antes de que Mike muriera, él y Adam pelearon mucho.
The day before Mike died, he and Adam had a terrible row.
Sé que Ian y Reni pelearon por eso.
I know Ian and Reni had a row about it.
Uds. Se pelearon ¿verdad?
Have you had a row?
Se pelearon antes de que muriera.
You had a big row with him just before he died.
¿Fue eso lo que pasó, Linda? ¿Se pelearon?
Had you had a row?
Se pelearon y no va a venir mañana.
They had a row and he's not coming tomorrow.
Hubo alarma, aunque no se pelearon.
There was alarm, though not quite a row.
Por lo único que se pelearon en los primeros meses fue por el dinero.
The only thing they rowed about, in the first few months, was money.
—No, eso es cierto, pero no se lo dijo hasta que se pelearon por lo de Leo.
"No, that did happen. But she didn't tell Mum about it until they had their row over Leo.
Creo que mi padre y el padre de Lisetta se pelearon a muerte.
I think my father and Lisettas father had a terrible row.
Hasta llegar a casa no se dio cuenta de lo cansada que estaba, pero aquella tarde, por primera vez en varias semanas, ella y Max no se pelearon.
She did not realise until she got home how tired she was, but that evening, for the first time in weeks, she and Max did not have a row.
Y no puede ser Morelli, porque Wynant sentía celos de él y se pelearon —me miró, frunciendo el ceño, y me dijo—: Me gustaría que hubieses averiguado algo más acerca de aquel hombre tan gordo, el Gorrión, y acerca de aquella mujerona pelirroja.
And it wouldn't be Morelli, because Wynant was jealous of him and they'd had a row.” She frowned at me. “I wish you'd found out more about that big fat man they called Sparrow and that big red-haired woman.”
La India y Pakistán pelearon tres guerras desde que se independizaron con Dios sabe cuántos bandoleros en el medio.
India and Pakistan have fought three wars since they gained independence with God knows how many skirmishes in between.
Yo llegué a la plaza... poco después de que estuvieron esos locos que se pelearon delante del Senado.
...I've arrived just after the skirmishes in front of the Senate.
—Pero el chico no estaba al día siguiente, cuando Clodio y Milón se pelearon en la Vía Apia, ¿verdad? —No.
"But the boy wasn't there when Clodius and Milo had their skirmish on the Appian Way the next day, was he?" "No.
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