Translation for "patriarcalmente" to english
Translation examples
La muchacha se acercó un poco más al hombre, que apoyó su mano posesiva y patriarcalmente sobre el hombro más cercano.
The girl moved a little closer to the man, who put his hand ponderously, patriarchally, on her shoulder.
El centro de los dos hilos fijó la mano derecha del presidente patriarcalmente alzada y en ligero movimiento, encontrándose venturosamente la sonrisa reverencial de Rialta.
The hairs crossed on the President’s right hand, which he had lifted in a slight, patriarchal movement as he encountered Rialta’s reverential smile.
Hilos lechosos de semen unen sus enfrentadas partes pudenda (plural de pudendum, «aquello de lo que uno debería avergonzarse», forma gramaticalmente neutra pero cuyo sentido ha sido patriarcalmente atribuido a sólo los órganos genitales femeninos), como tenues cordones umbilicales.
milky strands of semen link their underparts, their interfaced pudenda (the plural of pudendum, “that of which one ought to be ashamed,” a grammatically neutral form whose onus has been patriarchally shifted onto the female genitals alone), like tenuous umbilical cords.
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