Translation for "parecía crecer" to english
Parecía crecer
  • seemed to grow
  • it seemed to grow
Translation examples
seemed to grow
La tristeza en su rostro parecía crecer.
The sorrow on his face seemed to grow.
Nuestra pequeña felicidad parecía crecer.
Our little happiness seemed to grow.
Levantó las manos y pareció crecer.
He raised his hands, and seemed to grow.
El enrejado parecía crecer a una velocidad alarmante.
The grille seemed to grow at an alarming pace.
El ruido de la respiración parecía crecer en intensidad.
The noise of breathing seemed to grow louder.
Al declinar la luz, la ciudad parecía crecer.
As the light failed the city seemed to grow.
no parecía crecer de forma natural en esas selvas tropicales.
it didn’t seem to grow naturally in those tropical forests.
El muchacho la observó y ella pareció crecer ante sus ojos.
He watched her as she seemed to grow before his eyes.
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