Translation for "para ocurrir" to english
Para ocurrir
Translation examples
La fotólisis puede ocurrir en condiciones ambientales.
Photolysis may occur under environmental conditions.
Este tipo de incidentes no volvió a ocurrir.
No similar incidents have occurred since.
Además, pueden ocurrir accidentes nucleares.
Furthermore, nuclear accidents can occur.
Ese tipo de acoso no debe ocurrir.
Such harassment should not occur.
Formuló la esperanza de que esto no volviera a ocurrir.
It was hoped that this would not occur again.
El FMI no entiende cómo podría ocurrir.
IMF does not understand how this could occur.
Este tipo de crisis no debe volver a ocurrir.
This sort of crisis must not occur again.
Las reacciones químicas necesitan tiempo para ocurrir.
Chemical reactions need time to occur.
También está en lo correcto cuando afirma que la colocación de las piedras angulares del monumento de Washington la Casa Blanca y el Capitolio están alineadas para ocurrir bajo el mismo signo astrológico. Virgo. Aunque fueron colocadas en años diferentes.
It is also correct when it states that the laying of cornerstones for each to Washington Monument, White House and The Capitol Building were all timed to occur under the same astological sign Virgo even though they were laid in different years.
Ya se me ocurrirá algo.
Something will occur to me.
Se me acaba de ocurrir
It just occurred to me…
Ni se le ocurrirá que sea esto.
And it would never occur to him that it would be this.
—No ocurrirá semejante tragedia.
No such tragedy will occur.
No se le debió ocurrir.
It must not have occurred to him.
¿Cómo ha podido ocurrir?
How did this occur?
Pero aquello no volvería a ocurrir.
But that should not occur again.
—¿No está seguro de que esto vaya a ocurrir?
“You’re not sure this will occur?”
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