Translation for "para anunciado" to english
Para anunciado
Translation examples
Anunciado oficialmente
Officially announced
Apoyamos las decisiones que él ha anunciado.
We support the decisions he announced.
Nombramientos anunciados
Appointments announced
Se ha anunciado una contribución de Austria.
A contribution by Austria has been announced.
de la República del Iraq, según lo anunciado
of President of the Republic of Iraq, as announced on
Las visitas habían sido anunciadas.
These were announced visits.
No estaba anunciada.
It wasn’t announced.
¿Te lo ha anunciado? —No.
He announced that to you?” “No.
Anunciado en público.
Announced in public.
Anunciad el festín.
Announce the feast.
—¿Por qué no se ha anunciado?
“Why hasn’t there been an announcement?”
Su nombramiento ya ha sido anunciado.
Your appointment's announced.'
—No cuando el presidente sea anunciado.
Not when the president is announced.
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