Translation for "palmeo" to english
Translation examples
- Me palmeó la espalda.
- He patted my back.
- ¿Para qué la palmeo?
- What am I patting her for?
Y no palmees sus hombros.
And don't pat people on their shoulders.
Ahora le palmea la espalda con suavidad.
Now she's patting his back gently.
¿Quieres que te palmee en la espalda?
Do you want me to pat you on the back?
Él debe ir a fondo palmeo y masajes.
He must be thoroughly patted and massaged.
Siempre palmeo a las mujeres.
I always pat down the women.
- Palmea mi espalda.
- Pat on my back.
y Buda palmeó su trompa.
Buddha's radiant kindness, knelt before him, and the Buddha patted his leathery trunk.
palmea tu espalda ♪
pat your back, a
Un palmeo cariñoso.
An affectionate pat.
Palmeó el espejo—.
He patted the mirror.
Se palmeó un bolsillo.
He patted a pocket.
El palmeó el árbol.
He patted the tree.
Me palmea en los hombros.
He pats me on the shoulders.
Ella le palmeó el brazo.
She patted his arm.
– Le palmeó las manos-.
He patted her hands.
—Se palmeó el pecho—.
He patted his chest.
Palmeó su chaqueta–.
He patted his jacket.
La palmeé en el hombro.
I patted her on the shoulder.
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