Translation for "padre del orgullo" to english
Padre del orgullo
  • father of pride
  • pride father
Translation examples
father of pride
Esto no es nada… Incluso, esos defectos horribles que yo reprochaba a mi padre: ese orgullo, esa sed de honores, esa pasión de despotismo; hay que reconocer que, precisamente gracias a ellos, pudo obtener infinitamente más, socialmente, de lo que hubiera logrado si hubiera sido flexible, conciliador, modesto…
And that is no small thing. Even those characteristics which I found so detestable in my father—his pride, his thirst for honours, his love of playing the despot—it’s thanks to them, I must admit, that he got far more out of himself, as a social value, than if he’d been humble, easy-going, and considerate… .”
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